"Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair Collection" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 50.14




4.0 linear feet (4 records center boxes) photographs


The Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair allows students to showcase projects that exhibit not only scientific, but creative, ideas. This collection consists of information and materials of the Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair, such as programs, brochures, budgets, correspondence, participant information, awards, news stories, photographs, and a scrapbook; as well as information and materials of the International Science and Engineering Fair, such as rule books, books of research abstracts, and participant information.

Historical Note

Started in 1955, the Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair is held annually, each spring, at South Dakota State University. Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair is an affiliated fair for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair put on annually by the Science Service of Washington, D.C. Students in grades 6-12 from area schools are eligible to submit scientific research projects, and each year, several Grand Champion winners receive an all-expense paid trip to compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which is hosted by a different city each year. Students are also competing for a wide variety of medals, trophies, and monetary awards.

The Science Fair is operated by a Fair Director and Committee, as well as the SDSU Chapter of Sigma Xi scientific research society. Sponsorship comes from Sigma Xi, South Dakota State University, the Division of Continuing Education (SDSU), The Greater State Fund, and the South Dakota State University Foundation.

Content Notes

The collection is arranged by item type. Information on Sigma Xi is minimal, consisting of some proposals and planning notes. The information put out by SDSU for the Science Fair is quite comprehensive, including programs and brochures from a number of years, as are the budgets and expense records. There is a good amount of material relating to Science Fair winners and their projects, though the dates of this information are quite random. The publications for ISEF are also quite comprehensive, including rule books, participant forms, programs, touring and housing information, and books of abstracts of participant research.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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