"Faculty Association Records" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 50.2




0.84 linear feet (2 document cases)


The Faculty Association papers represent the initial founding of the South Dakota State College [SDSC] The Faculty Association in 1946 and its evolution through the years

Historical Note

The Faculty Association papers represent the initial founding of the South Dakota State College [SDSC] The Faculty Association in 1946 and its evolution through the years. The stated purpose of the Faculty Association was to perfect some administrative measure that would insure unity and cooperation between the faculty, administration and Regents. According to the first constitution, this included a way to provide procedures for carrying out duties and responsibilities of the faculty, and as a way for faculty to cooperate and to elect representatives. Membership in this organization included all faculty members with the rank of instructor or above.

The Faculty Association was never a decision making body. Rather, its role was to provide an outlet for questions related to general faculty welfare. The association did elect up to 5 representatives to the President's Administrative Council, which was the governing council of administrators and did act as a policy making body.

By the late 1960's, the role of the Faculty Association changed slightly. When the faculty voted to create an Academic Senate, the Faculty Association was phased out slowly, to allow for transition. In 1970, after the faculty voted to create an Academic Senate, the Faculty Association continued to meet for continuity's sake. After 1972, they ceased to function at all.

Content Notes

The Faculty Association Records sub-group is arranged into two series: Committee Records and General Association Records. The records are not thought to be complete, although this cannot be established. Due to the lack of any discernable arrangement, the series were created during the processing of the collection.

Series 1. Committee records.

The Committee Records series spans the years 1946-1972, with the bulk of material from 1952-1960. Included are committee assignments and studies completed by various committees. Although the names of the individual committees changed over time, their function remained essentially the same. Committees were formed around the topics of tenure, promotion and rank, salary, insurance, retirement, and other such topics.

Series 2. General Association records.

The General Association records are composed of a constitution, minutes and correspondence files. Most of the latter consists entirely of correspondence from or to the acting head of the association.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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