"R.F. Kerr Papers" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 53.6




0.84 linear feet (2 document cases)


R.F. Kerr was librarian at South Dakota State College beginning in 1885. This collection consists primarily of correspondence, diaries, and other writings from Kerr’s life in South Dakota and elsewhere. Also includes items from his teaching career, including class records and items collected during his Japanese teaching experience. The bulk of material is correspondence.

Historical Note

Robert Floyd Kerr was born April 12, 1850 at Sugar Grove, Indiana. He attended Wabash College and later DePauw University, where he graduated in 1877. After teaching in Indiana for 2 years, he taught English and Mathematics at Hirosaki, Japan in 1879. Upon his return to the United States in 1880, Kerr taught again throughout the Midwest, settling finally in Brookings in 1885, where he was professor of political economy and Principal of the Preparatory Department. In 1892, he was ousted from the college and went to Illinois to work but he returned to Brookings in 1898, this time as Librarian and Principal of the Preparatory Department.

In addition to these roles, he also served as steward and manager of a boarding club, ran the men's dormitory and acted as advisor to the Dakota Agricultural Cadets, the military organization on campus. In addition to his work on the SDSU campus, Kerr was also active in Brookings. He was instrumental in founding the Forum, a men's association in town, and he was active with the Masons. In 1905, Kerr accepted a position as private Secretary to Governor Elrod. In 1911 and 1913, he served on the South Dakota legislature. In his later years, he lived in Brookings, edited a farm paper and remained active in many community organizations. He died October 16, 1921.

Content Notes

This collection represents what can only be a portion of items from Kerr's personal files. They consist mainly of correspondence, but also include some diaries and writings, ledgers, class records and even Kerr's 1879 traveling papers for his stay in Japan. The bulk of the material is correspondence, which is both personal and related to his work at the university. Some of the letters chronicle his dismissal from the university, which is an integral part of the early history of South Dakota State University.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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