"President's Office Records" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 1




34.14 [25 record boxes, 1 half-record box, 3 document cases, 1 shoebox, 2 oversize flat boxes, 2 framed items]


The Office of the President is responsible for regulating and overseeing the general administration of the university. The collection is composed of administrative material generated and received by the Office of the President of South Dakota State University. Included are files related to the history of the university, anniversary celebrations, campus buildings, the engineering controversy of the 1970s, and Resolution 21.

Historical Note

The Office of the President is responsible for regulating and overseeing the general administration of the university. Along with various administrative duties, each year the president prepares an annual report, which is delivered to the Board of Regents. This report generally includes information about past and present university affairs and policies, as well as future plans and suggestions.

Originally, the president performed most of the university's administrative duties. Presidents often were members of the faculty as well. As administrative functions became more complex, the duties of the president were spread among other administrators. Today, the hierarchy of the university includes the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Administration, the Director of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the Director of Disability Services and the Director of Athletics, all under discretion of the President of the University. The Board of Regents appoints the president of the university.

Content Notes

The bulk of the material is composed of administrative material generated and received by the Office of the President of South Dakota State University.

Folders consists of correspondence, budget material, reports, committee minutes, accreditation material, master and strategic planning files, South Dakota Board of Regents files, material related to Resolution 21, the college name change, and the engineering controversy of the 1970s. Also includes are files related to student organizations, campus buildings, statistics, anniversary celebrations, university history, and photographs.

No material has been found for the following university presidents: James Chalmers, Robert L. Slagle, George Lincoln Brown, Harold M. Crothers, and H. Ray Hoops.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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