"Office of Continuing and Extended Education Records" by SDSU Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library


UA 15




9.36 linear feet (11 boxes) photographs


The Office of Continuing and Extended Education offers undergraduate and graduate courses using various distance education technologies. This collection is composed of general office material conference and workshop materials, University Week for Women records, and distance education records.

Historical Note

South Dakota State University has a long tradition of, and responsibility for, delivering a variety of outreach efforts to locations across the state, region, and world. These include educational services to University Center in Sioux Falls, the West River Graduate Center in Rapid City, the Capital University Center in Pierre (CUC), Nursing Upward Mobility, and numerous other distance education classes, workshops and services.

Continuing and Extended Education, also formerly known as Outreach Programming, and the Division of Lifelong Learning and Outreach, provides coordination and support for off-campus educational programs and, as such, serves as a conduit for the University's service mission to citizens of South Dakota, the region and the world. Outreach Programs are designed to deliver both state- and self-supported education through on-site or distance education credit courses, non-credit conferences, short courses, and workshops.

In 2000, Outreach Programming was administratively placed with the College of General Registration. In 2007, the Office of Continuing and Extending Education was created removing it, administratively, from the College of General Registration.

The following are administrated by this office:

Distance Education, including internet courses and Digital Dakota Network (DDN0 courses; Outreach sites, including the Capital University Center (CUC) in Pierre, the University Center (South Dakota Public Universities and Research Center) in Sioux Falls, the West River Graduate Center in Rapid City, and Lake Area Technical Institute (LATI) in Watertown; and Outreach Programs including University Week for Women, Tax Update Workshops and Continuing Education Units. Also under this office is the Nursing RN Upward Mobility program, and conferences and institutes.

Content Notes

Series 1. General Records [UA 15].

This collection is composed of general office material conference and workshop materials, and University Week for Women records.

Sub-series 1. Director's Office records.

Composed mainly of newsletters and "Showcase" which are schedules for continuing education courses offered. Also included are brochures and flyers promoting the Office of Continuing and Extended Education as well as a small amount of material on the distribution of "Showcase."

Sub-series 2. Conferences and Institutes.

The University encourages involvement of its faculty and professional staff with groups sharing common interests and expertise. The office provides services ranging from simple logistics either on campus or at other locations throughout South Dakota, to program planning, staffing, financing, and evaluation.

This collection is composed of general office material which are comprised mainly of promotional material for miscellaneous conferences, conventions, seminars, symposiums, panel discussions, workshops and a call for proposals on topics for conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.

Sub-series 3. University Week for Women.

University Week for Women is a learning opportunity for people of all ages, and features a variety of educational classes designed to enrich and enhance the lives of participants. For three days each summer, participants attend classes, reside in dormitory facilities, attend luncheons and socialize with fellow participants. University Week for Women has several goals: to provide individuals with the opportunity to meet others, to provide opportunities to learn new skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant in a changing world, and to be a stimulus for lifelong learning.

University Week for Women began as the idea of Fayola Muchow. In 1970, she had attended a women's week program in Bozeman, Montana and wanted to get something similar started in South Dakota. In 1974, she began discussion with the president of South Dakota State University and directors of South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service. Eventually, a planning committee was formed. This committee involved several women's organizations from across the state of South Dakota including S.D. Extension Home Economics, SD Extension Homemakers Council, the League of Women Voters, General Federated Women's Clubs, state journalists, and business and professional women. The first University Week for Women was held June 15 to June 17, 1976.

While the main purpose of University Week for Women has remained the same throughout the years, some changes have occurred. In 1983, the program began to offer class for credit to assist those who were working toward a degree. In 1986, a scholarship program was instigated with monies donated by sponsoring state organization and planning committee members.

Composed of planning committee minutes, registration forms, handouts, budgets, instructor and attendance lists, course schedules, clippings, evaluations, correspondence between committee members and guest speakers, photographs, and slides. For preservation purposes, the clippings have been photocopied with the originals discarded and the photographs and slides have been removed and placed in the photograph collection.

Series 2. Distance Education Programs [UA 15.2].

South Dakota State University offers undergraduate and graduate courses using various distance education technologies. Utilizing the DDN (Digital Dakota Network), two-way audio and video classes allow students to actively participate in classroom activities while attending at a location more convenient to the student. South Dakota State University also offers Internet-based courses for students wishing a more flexible schedule. The Internet courses are similar to on campus courses, and students receive the same credit for completing an Internet course as they would for an on campus course. The Electronic University Consortium (EUC) of South Dakota is a single point of contact for information and access to distance education and training available from the six South Dakota public universities. Based upon more than 80 years of effective off-campus education, South Dakota State University serves working adults, part-time students, time- and place-bound individuals, K-12 students, teachers and administrators, employees seeking career development skills, government and military personnel, and persons with disabilities.

This collection is composed of material related to off-campus educational programs, such as on site or distance education credit courses, non-credit conferences, short courses, and workshops.

SDSU Archives and Special Collections

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South Dakota State University Archives and Special Collections, Hilton M. Briggs Library, Brookings, South Dakota.


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