Going for the Goal: Identifying Relationships among SDSU Student Leaders’ Goals and Successes

Going for the Goal: Identifying Relationships among SDSU Student Leaders’ Goals and Successes


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Because today’s collegiate student leaders will be the leaders of the future, it is important to measure and ensure they have the tools needed to accomplish set goals. This study examines the relationship between South Dakota State University student leaders’ traits, time management abilities, ability to say “no,” and their impact on goal attainment. Surveys were distributed to students in the LeadState program, a co-curricular leadership development program, and a control group. Quantitative analyses, including independent samples t-tests and bivariate correlations, were conducted. Analyses revealed weak, positive relationships between leadership traits (i.e., integrity, self-confidence, synergy, and morality), time management abilities, the frequency of saying “no” and the likelihood of pursuing an originally set goal. The results of this study can provide tangible feedback to the LeadState program for future curriculum development, but it also identifies important areas to consider for collegiate student development.

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South Dakota State University


This paper can be accessed in the Schultz- Werth Award Collection here: https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/schultz-werth/23/

Going for the Goal: Identifying Relationships among SDSU Student Leaders’ Goals and Successes
