Author Guidelines | Journal of Undergraduate Research at South Dakota State University | Division of Research and Economic Development | South Dakota State University

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Any current undergraduate or recently graduated student (within the previous 12 months) of South Dakota State University may submit an original scholarly research paper or abstract for consideration for publication in the Journal of Undergraduate Research. Each project must be done under the mentorship of an SDSU professor.

Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes original articles and abstracts in natural sciences, social sciences, as well as arts and humanities. The journal does not publish creative writing, poetry, journalism, or similar creative activities.

JUR has no strict requirements on reference formatting at the time of submission. Authors can use any reference style as long as the style is consistent. However, after a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will be asked to change all citations and format the article to the APA style.

JUR accepts submissions on a rolling basis. To submit your work, send it to

The authors should submit their work as an MS Word file, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman/Times font. The first page of a research paper should include title, abstract, student’s name, student’s SDSU email address and non-SDSU email address, mentor name, and mentor’s email address. Every JUR submission must be linked to a faculty sponsor, and students should secure approval from their sponsor before submitting.

Manuscripts submitted to JUR cannot have been previously published in a scholarly journal or a book. By submitting work to JUR, the author is confirming that the material is not currently under consideration elsewhere and it will not be submitted elsewhere until a final decision has been made by JUR.

The form of a paper will depend greatly on the nature of your topic and certain publishing conventions that may exist within your discipline. Manuscripts describing empirical research will typically be organized into further subsections, labeled: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, (or variations on those subheadings), along with a complete list of References.

All submissions to the Journal of Undergraduate Research will be first reviewed by the editor and/or the editorial board. Research articles will be reviewed by an expert in the field of study. The decision about whether to publish any paper or abstract will be made by the editor in consultation with the editorial board. The decision is final.