Liliaceae : Hypoxis hirsuta
Family Name
Common Name
Yellow stargrass
Hypoxis hirsute is a perennial herb growing from a rounded, membranous coated corm. There is a rosette of 3-6 basal, linear leaves, 5-26 cm long and 2-12 mm wide, green with scattered white hairs. The plants produce one to several slender flowering stems (scapes), up to 20 cm tall, each with a 2-14 flowers in a terminal umbel. The flowers have 6 yellow tepals, 6-14 mm long and 2-6.5 mm wide, with hairs on the outer surfaces. There are 6 stamens, the filaments 2-3 mm long and the anthers 2-4 mm long. The ovary is inferior and hairy. The fruit is a hairy, ovoid capsule. Yellow stargrass blooms from April into July on prairies and in open deciduous woodlands in eastern South Dakota.
Horticulture Notes
Seed collection: Collect unopened capsules in early summer and place in a paper bag until dry.
Germination: Fall sowing or a 60-day cold, moist treatment is needed before spring planting.
Vegetative propagation: Secondary corms form in stands of mature plants. These can be separated and transplanted after the plants are dormant.
Light: Full sun to partial shade.
Soils: Well drained loams, sands, or rocky soils.
Water: Moist to dry conditions.
Additional Notes
Yellow stargrass provides a nice addition of color to a native plant garden. The flowers are attractive and attract small native bees.