Acoraceae: Acorus americanus
Family Name
Common Name
Sweet flag
Native American Name
Dakota: sinkpe-ta-wote; Lakota: sunka ce
Acorus americanus is a grass-like perennial herb, which grows 90-150 cm in height. The plant is strongly rhizomatous. The leaves are entire, sword shaped and erect. Sweet flag has a spadix that is 4-9 cm long with light brown greenish-brown perfect flowers that are enclosed by a leaf-like spathe. The perianth has 6 short segments, there are 6 stamens, and the pistil contains 2-3 locules. The fruit is a small capsule containing 2-3 seeds. Flowering occurs from May to July. This species is commonly found in swamps and marshes throughout South Dakota.
Horticulture Notes
Seed Collection: Late summer, before seeds are shed.
Germination: Stratification over winter in moist soil.
Vegetative Propagation: By division of the rhizomes
Soils: Wet fertile soil
Light: Full sun
Water: Thrives in wet areas
Notes: The roots grow in a broad array just below the surface of the soil
Additional Notes
The rhizomes are quite fragrant and are used both as medicines and food by several of the Northern Great Plains tribal peoples.
The Dakota name ""sinkpe-ta-wote"", means muskrat food.