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Volume 1, Number 5

Four-H Garden Clubs for Boys and Girls -- H.N. Jones State Club Leader, Brookings S. Dak
The Oka Cherry -- Emil Pfaender, Yankton, S. Dak
Extracts from the Diary of a Traveling Man -- W.A. Simmons, Sioux Falls, S. Dak
A Hardy Flower Garden -- Mrs. M.W. Sheafe, Watertown, S. Dak
The Apple Maggot -- Entomology Department, South Dakota State College
Requeening Colonies and Why -- A.H.W. Birch, Apiarist Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont.
The Bee and Honey Situation
Barberries, Good and Bad -- John L. Richardson, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Installment Pruning -- Claude A. Barr, Smithwick, S. Dak
Fruit Withstands Late Freeze
Premium List

Publication Date



South Dakota Horticultural Society


Agriculture | Horticulture | Plant Sciences

South Dakota Horticulturist, July 1929



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