This collection contains historic newsletters related to the topic of horticulture in the Dakotas.
- South Dakota Horticulturalist (March 1929 - May 1930)
- North and South Dakota Horticulture (June 1930 - Sept./Oct. 1952)
- Dakota Horticulture (Nov./Dec. 1952 - Jan 1958)
- South Dakota Horticulture
Dakota Horticulture, September 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Number 9
Red-Backed Sandpiper, O.A. Stevens
Summer Magic, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Programs, Alice. H. Platt
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Message, Mrs. Earl Kindred
Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
The Iris Parade, Mrs. Carl Metzgar
Old Roses in Far North, P.H. Wright
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. Verne Tompkins
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Weeds, Victor H. Ries
Nuts and Screwballs, A.G. Pastian
What is a Tree?, O.A. Stevens
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruits for Northern Minnesota, F.I. Rockwell
Reasons for a Quiet Meeting, W.A. Simmons -
Dakota Horticulture, July/August 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Numbers 7/8
The Long-Billed Curlew, Dr. O.A. Stevens
The Honey Bee, Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Book Review, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
My Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
The Garden Club, Mrs. Carl Metzger
Spider Mite and Control, P.H. Wright
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. V. Tompkins
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. Leonard Yager
A Fair Education, Lloyd C. Ayres
Garden Notes, Victor H. Reis
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Newslants, Harry A. Graves
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Sunflower Projects Outline, Ruth Habeger
Growing Roses, Paul A. Kohl
Mums, Gretchen Harshbarger
Oriental Poppies, E.F. Rockwell -
Dakota Horticulture, June 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Number 6
Bullock's Oriole, O.A. Stevens
It Can't Be Done, Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Junior Garden Club Page, Ruth Habeger
Lythrum and Lilies, P.H. Wright
President's Address, Mrs. Leo Monteith
My Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Book Review, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Programs, Alice H. Platt
Chemical Weed Killers, L.C. Ayres
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. Leonard Yager
Garden Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Letter From Florida, C. Richard Hartmann
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Ninth and Tenth Robertson Awards, H.R. Woodward
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Siouxann Tomato, R.L. Foskett -
Dakota Horticulture, May 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Number 5
The Buff-Breasted Sandpiper, O.A. Stevens
These New Necessities, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
National Council's Meeting, Mrs. D.S. Baughman
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Welcome to Dell Rapids, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Garden Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Soil Testing, Fran Bracy
To a Meadow Lark, Miss Alice Platt
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Junior Garden Club Projects, Lloyd C. Ayres
Book Reviews, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Peony Season in Sioux Falls, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
The Iris, Mrs. Carl Metzger
John Tackles a Problem, Prairie Farmer -
Dakota Horticulture, April 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Number 4
The Barred Owl, O.A. Stevens
Manitoba Newsletter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Experiences in Hort., R.L. Wodarz
Report of FSS Chairman, L.S. Bush
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Reviews, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Ways and Means, Mrs. Francis Bingem
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Dell Rapids Juniors, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Spring Care of Lawns, Lloyd C. Ayres
Program Suggestions, Miss Alice Platt
Garden Therapy, Miss Mildred Ibach
Garden Peas, Dr. Leonard Yager
John Goes to the Doctor, Prairie Farmer
Bird Chairman Page, Miss Ruth Habeger
Live and Learn, Mary Louise Kinyon
Perennials for Shady Places, Mrs. Carl Metzger
Newslants, H.A. Graves -
Dakota Horticulture, February/March 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Numbers 2/3
Great Gray Owl, O.A. Stevens
Family Eight Ball, Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
My Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Pioneer American Herbs, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
European Tour, A. Frylink
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Vegetable Varieties for So. Dakota, Lloyd C. Ayres
Book Review, Ruth Habeger
Year Books, Mrs. D.S. Baughman
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Letter From Nebraska, Mrs. Flora Kicken
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Plant Migrants, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Newslants, Harry A. Graves -
Dakota Horticulture, January 1954
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 27, Number 1
The Black Vulture, O.A. Stevens
Nightmare, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Junior Garden Club Page, Mrs. Milo Shultz
Forest Tree Seedlings, Division of Forestry
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
The International Peace Garden, John A. Storman
Program Suggestions, Alice H. Platt
Garden Therapy, Mildred Ibach
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
National Gardener Magazine, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Roses in December, Lloyd C. Ayres -
Dakota Horticulture, November/December 1953
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 26, Numbers 11/12
The Whooping Crane, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. L. Yager
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Covercop vs. Sod Mulch., Walter Toenjes
Perennials Give Beauty
Poems, Mary Louise Kinyon
Experiences in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Meeting at Leavenworth, Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Tomato Varieties for Us, Lloyd C. Ayres
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Way and Means, Mrs. Francis Bingen
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Try Glads. Wm. Kohlmeyer
Index to Volume 26 -
Dakota Horticulture, October 1953
Horticultural Societies of the Dakotas
Volume 26, Number 10
Red-Shafted Flicker, O.A. Stevens
Poems, Mrs. Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Color in Roses, P.H. Wright
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. L. Yager
Garden Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Garden Advice, Victor H. Ries
Yearbook Rules, Mrs. D.S. Baughman
Flowers of Juno, Rachael Murdock
Garden Chrysanthemums, E.C. Lehmann
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Some New Roses, Conard-Pyle Co
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Phosphorus in the Soil, Carl Huboi
Newslants, H.A. Graves -
Dakota Horticulture, September 1953
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 26, Number 9
The Trumpeter Swan, O.A. Stevens
Poems, Mrs. Mary Louise Kinyon
Lovely Woman, Carl Huboi
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Your Yard and Garden, L. Yager
Orcharding in North Dakota, R.L. Wodarz
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Hemerocallis, Mrs. Marie E. Anderson
Best Loved Trees, Harriet Martinson
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Latest News in Roses, P.H. Wright
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris -
Dakota Horticulture, July/August 1953
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 26, Numbers 7/8
Baffin Island Birds, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. L. Yager
Experiences in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
8th Robertson Award
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
One Less Bridge, Mary Louise Kinyon
Lecture at Madison, Mrs. D.S. Baughman
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Awards, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
The Far North, P.H. Wright
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons -
Dakota Horticulture, May/June 1953
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 26, Numbers 5/6
The Tree Swallow, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Margin Of Safety, P.H. Wright
Awards, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Slides Library, Mrs. R.H. Oviatt
Gardening in Florida, C. Richard Hartmann
Experiences in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Poems, Mary Louise Kinyon
Hopa Flowering Crab, Mrs. N. Trobak
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Book Reviews -
Dakota Horticulture, March/April 1953
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 26, Numbers 3/4
Lesser Seaup Duck, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Poems, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Guide to American Revolution, Mrs. O.A. Stevens
The Cavalier Tomato, Dr. J.H. Schultz
Those Awful Billboards, John Turnipseed
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Letter From Nebraska, Mrs. F.S. Kicken
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Review, Ruth Habeger
Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Saskatchewan Notes, Dr. Manley Champlin
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Letter From Regional Director, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. L. Yager -
Dakota Horticulture, January/February 1953
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 26, Numbers 1/2
Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Poems, B. Byron Bobb
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Can Wild Roses Be Improved?, P.H. Wright
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Sea in Our Blood --(Continued)., W. Earl Hall
Experience in Horticulture, R.L. Wodarz
Book Review, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Your Yard and Garden, Dr. Leonard Yager
Soil Conservation, Mrs. Harriet Martinson
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Want to Win an Award?, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Review, Mrs. O.A. Stevens -
Dakota Horticulture, November/December 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 11/12
Broad-Winged Hawk, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Poems, Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Awards for 1953, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Holiday at Dauphin, W.R. Page
President's Message, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Seedling Fruits and Their Place, P.H. Wright
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Fabulous Yakima Valley, H.L. Drake
State Flower Show, Mrs. Francis Nelson
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
The Planter, N.O. Monserud
All Have Some Sea in Their Blood, W. Earl Hall
Index -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, September/October 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 9/10
The Lesser Yellow-Legs, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Poem, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Club Gleaning, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Chlorosis Problem, P.H. Wright
President's Corner, Mrs. Leo Monteith
Bus Tour to San Francisco, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
My Black Hills, Claude A. Barr
Delphiniums, Mrs. F.W. Goff
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Storing Bulbs and Roots, Mrs. Myrtle Warren -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, July/August 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 7/8
The Caspian Tern, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Poems, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
Report of Bird Chairman, Ruth Habeger
Tree Farms in South Dakota, G.C. Moon
Transplanting, P.H. Wright
Book Reviews, Mrs. Brakke and Miss Murdock
Convention Report, Mrs. R.G. Ferris
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Convention Echoes, Mrs. Jorgensen
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Report of Activities, Mrs. F. Briley
Report on Awards, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Adrain C. Fox
State Flower Show, Wm. H. Snyder -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, May/June 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 5/6
The Orchard Oriole, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger
Book Reviews, W.A. Simmons
Strawberry Growing, P.H. Wright
The Biloxi Meeting, Mrs. Latimer
Late Flowering Perennials, H.F. Harp
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Regional Meeting, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Garden Clubs Around South Dakota, Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Report of Activities, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, March/April 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 3/4
The Hawk Owl, Dr. O.A. Stevens
The Good Old Days, Mary Louise Kinyon
Happiness, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
The Chrysanthemum, Eldred Buer
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Garden Club Around S.D., Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Reports, Kennard and Brakke
Our Southern Neighbors, C. Richard Hartman
Book Reviews -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, January/February 1952
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 25, Numbers 1/2
The Least Sandpiper, Dr. O.A. Stevens
How to Enjoy Life, Mary Louise Kinyon
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
Garden Clubs Around S.D., Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Junior Gardeners, Mrs. Lona Crandall
Adaptation of Some Perennials, P.H. Wright
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Letter From Nebraska, Mrs. Flora Sandoz Kicken
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Progress Report, Melvin Bergeson
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Book Review, Mrs. H.N. Dybvig
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Conservation, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, November/December 1951
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 24, Numbers 11/12
The Virginia Rail, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Modern Hiawatha, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
Successful Transplanting, P.H. Wright
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Drying Plants, Frances R. Williams
Blue Star Highway Markers, H.N. Dybvig
A Great Man Passes
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Garden Clubs, Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Book Review, Miss Harrietta Bach
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Reports of Chairmen
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Index -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, September/October 1951
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 24, Numbers 9/10
The Yellow Rail, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Highway Beautification, J.M. Atkinson
Fame or Fun, Mary Louise Kinyon
Newsslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Early Traditions, Margaret Davidson
Book Review, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Growing Fruits, Dr. G.F. Will
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. E.M. Kindred
Sixth Robertson Award, H.R. Woodward
Our New Director, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Yearbook Rules, 1952, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
State Flower Show, Mrs. J.M. Jorgensen
Bird Chairman Report, Ruth Habeger -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, July-August 1951
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 24, Numbers 7 and 8
The Canada Warbler, Dr. O.A. Stevens
John Robertson, Mae Urbanek
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Orchids, Mrs. R.W. Habberstad
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Book Reviews, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Transplanting, P.H. Wright
Conservation Notes, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger
Gleanings, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Pome Fruits, C.A. Nash
Making Compost, Victor H. Ries
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, May-June 1951
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 24, Numbers 5 and 6
Bay-Breasted Warbler, Dr. O.A. Stevens
Why Won't Spruce Trees Grow in Rapid City? I.H. Chase
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Newslants, H.A. Graves
European Home, R.L. Wodarz
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Book Review, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger
Experience With Stone Fruits, C.A. Nash
Gladiolas, Mrs. John Hardcastle
Gleanings, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Sow Seeds Sensibly
Youth Education in Conversation, Mrs. R.B. Halliday and Mrs. I.R. Trumbower
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Gloxinias, Victor H. Ries
Orchids, Mrs. R.W. Habberstad -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, April 1951
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 24, Number 4
Baird's Sandpiper, Dr. C.A. Stevens
Fruit Growing in South Dakota, C.A. Nash
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Club Gleanings, Mrs. L.N. Brakke
Parks and Monuments, Mrs. G.R. McArthur
Birds, Miss Ruth Habeger
Book Review, W.A. Simmons
President's Message, Mrs. G.M. Jorgensen
Early Experiences, R.L. Wodarz
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Review, Mrs. L.G. Elsinger
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Horticultural Report, Mrs. Earl Kindred