This collection contains historic newsletters related to the topic of horticulture in the Dakotas.
- South Dakota Horticulturalist (March 1929 - May 1930)
- North and South Dakota Horticulture (June 1930 - Sept./Oct. 1952)
- Dakota Horticulture (Nov./Dec. 1952 - Jan 1958)
- South Dakota Horticulture
North and South Dakota Horticulture, August 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 8
The Bank Swallow, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
New Apples succeed old
Meeting Wood Needs, F.L. Rockwell
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, July 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 7
The Field Sparrow, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Beebe's Philsophy, H.E. Beebe
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Bait Traps, Dr. A.N. Pratt
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Convoy, A New Fruit, W.J. Boughen
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, June 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 6
The Cliff Swallow, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Damage to Young Trees, F.I. Rockwell
Questions and Answers, S.A. McCrory
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Growing the Pasque, C.A. Barr
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Letter From Nebraska, Otto Pfeiffer -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, May 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 5
The Shoveller, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba Newsletter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Victory Gardens, F.I. Rockwell
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, April 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 4
The Gadwall, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Book Reviews, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, March 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 3
The Herring Gull, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Save the Pembina, C.H. Bryant
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Letter from New Hampshire, Dr. A.F. Yeager
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, .F.X. Wallner
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, February 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 2
The Long-eared Owl, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Premium List
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
The Apple, Dr. J.H. Kellogg -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, January 1942
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 15, Number 1
The Goshawk, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
More About Tulips, T.W. Hobart
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
President's Corner, G.W. Gurney
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, December 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 12
The Brown Creeper, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
50 years with Tulips, T.W. Hobart
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Index to Vol. XIV -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, November 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 11
The Red-breasted Nuthatch, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Garden Lily Problem, Victor H. Ries
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley and W.R. Simmons
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fall Program for Lawns, The Master Gardener
Fruit & Vegetable
Notes, F.X. Wallner -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, October 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 10
The Loon, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, Geo W. Gurney
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Beebe's Philosophy, H.E. Beebe
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, September 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 9
Eared & Horned Grebes, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Review, Mrs. E.W. Gould
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory
Dormant Lawn Seeding -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, August 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 8
The Pied-billed Grebe, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Midsummer Care of Roses
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
August Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Questions & Answers, S.A. McCrory -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, July 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 7
The Least Flycatcher, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Loss of Chinese Elm, F.I. Rockwell
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
July Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, June 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 6
The Wood Pewee, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Planting Annuals Outdoors, Mrs. C.E. Finkle
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
June Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Beekeeping Notes, J.A. Munro
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley & O.A. Stevens
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, May 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 5
The Phoebe, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
New Apple Seedlings, Dr. N.E. Hansen
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
May Garden Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, April 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 4
The Duck Hawk, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
S.D. Trees, E.H. Everson
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Presidents Corner, H.E. Beebe
April Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Fruits & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Book Reviews, W.A. Simmons -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, March 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 3
The Pidgeon Hawk, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
South Dakota Trees, E.H. Everson
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
March Notes, W.E.H. Porter
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
New Tomato, Bounty H. Mattson -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, February 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 2
The Starling, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
South Dakota Trees, E.H. Everson
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
February, W.E.H. Porter
Fruit and Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, January 1941
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 14, Number 1
The House Sparrow, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Continued Sale of Trees, E.H. Everson
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Winter Comes, W.E.H. Porter
Premium List
Book Review, Mrs. F. Briley
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Questions & Answers, Prof. L.L. Davis
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, December 1940
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 13, Number 12
The American Crow, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Winter Nearer, W.E.H. Porter
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
1940 Nursery Inspections, E.H. Everson
Book Review, Mrs. F. Briley
Index to Vol. XIII -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, November 1940
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 13, Number 11
The Woodcock, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
President's Corner, H.E Beebe
Pre-war Denmark, S.H. Bober
Frost Comes, W.E.H. Porter
Letter from Dr. Yeager
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Book Review, Mrs. F. Briley
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
Gov. Bushfield, C.S. Weller -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, October 1940
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 13, Number 10
The Killdeer, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, Rev. J. Ralph McNeil
Nursery Inspection, E.H. Everson
Gov. Bushfield, nature lover, C.S. Weller
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Questions & Answers, L.L Davis
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X Wallner
Summer's Waning, W.E.H. Porter -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, September 1940
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 13, Number 9
The Solitary Sandpiper, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Tree Enemies, E.H. Everson
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
President's Corner, H.E. Beebe
Summer's Beauty, W.E.H. Porter
Book Review, Mrs. F. Briley
Hort'l Travelogue, A.L. Truax
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L. Davis
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
The Garden, H.F. Baker -
North and South Dakota Horticulture, August 1940
North and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies
Volume 13, Number 8
The Greater Yellow-Legs, O.A. Stevens
Newslants, H.A. Graves
Manitoba News Letter, W.R. Leslie
New England Notes, Dr. A.F. Yeager
August, W.E.H. Porter
Secretary's Corner, W.A. Simmons
Questions & Answers, L.L Davis
Book Reviews, Mrs. F. Briley & Simmons
Success With Trees, E.H. Everson
Fruit & Vegetable Notes, F.X. Wallner
Horticulture Travelogue, A.L. Truax