This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management. Formerly known as Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.


ETDS from 2008


The Influence of Livestock Watering Ponds (Dugouts) on Native Stream Fishes, Especially the Endangered Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka), Sheila K. Thomson


Evaluation of an Augmentation of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep at Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Teresa J. Zimmerman

ETDS from 2007


Nesting Success of Grassland Birds in Fragmented and Unfragmented Landscapes of North Central South Dakota, Gillian M. Berman


Ecology of the Coyote (Canis latrans) at Wind Cave National Park, Jamie M. Chronert


Bluegill Reproductive Biology and Population Dynamics in Four South Dakota Impoundments, Kris R. Edwards


Synthesis of Western Willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus) Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa), and Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) Research in South Dakota, 1843-2006, Dawn M. Gardner


Habitat Characteristics of Refuge Wetlands and Taro Lo'I Used By Endangered Waterbirds At Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai'i, Hugo K. W. Gee


Movement Patterns of White-Tailed Deer in East Central South Dakota Relative to Winter Ranges and Management Unit Boundaires, Troy W. Grovenburg


Evaluation of Mixed-Vegetation Plantings As Avian Nesting Habitat in Eastern South Dakota, Jesse C. Hankins


Nesting and Brood-Rearing Habitat Selection of Greater Sage-Grouse and Associated Survival of Hens and Broods at the Edge of Their Historic Distribution, Katie M. Herman-Brunson


Modeling Wetland Use By Spring-Migrating Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) in Eastern South Dakota, Sharon Njambi Kahara


Community Compostition and Microhabitats of Macroinvertebrates on Sandbars within the Lower Missouri River as a Food Source for Foraging Migratory Shorebirds, Jessica F. Lee


Hepatic Element Concentrations and Gross and Histological Examinations of Spring Migrating Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) in the Upper Midwest, Angela E. Pillatzki


Habitat Selection and Use by Breeding Hen Pheasants in Eastern South Dakota, 1999-2001, Rebecca D. Schilowsky


Effect of Coyotes and Release Site Selection on Survival and Movement of Translocated Swift Foxes in the Badlands Ecosystem of South Dakota, Greg M. Schroeder


Assessing American Marten Use of Track-Plate Box Surveys for Estimating Population Size in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Joshua B. Smith


Macroinvertebrate Response to Management Strategies and Habitat Condition at Kealia Pond NWR, Maui, Hawaii, Nicholas Lanier Wirwa

ETDS from 2006


Movement, Distribution, and Habitat Use of Yellow Perch in a Complex Lake Basin, William F. Bauer


Reproductive Ecology of Long-billed Curlews Breeding in Grazed Landscapes of Western South Dakota, Jessica N. Clarke


Sauger Population Ecology in Three Missouri River Mainstem Reservoirs, Brian D. S. Graeb


Behavioral Responses of Rainbow Smelt to Sensory Deterrent Systems, Martin J. Hamel


Fish Community Assembly in the Missouri River Basin, Christopher W. Hoagstrom


Evaluation of Aerial Transect Surveys, Survival, and Movements of Pronghorns in Western South Dakota, Christopher N. Jacques


Yellow Perch Production in Semi-Permanent Wetlands in Eastern South Dakota and Evaluation of a New Chemical Marking Tool for Juvenile Yellow Perch, Christopher M. Longhenry


Sexual Segregation in White-Tailed Deer: Intersexual Divergence in Digestive Function, Morphology, and Behavior, Kevin Lee Monteith