Systematic Evaluation of Precision Farming Soil Sampling Requirements

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Precision farming soil sampling protocols must be sensitive to the fact that different objectives require different levels of precision and accuracy. A case study was used to demonstrate an approach for evaluating the impact of grid distance on spatial analysis and profitability. Specific findings from this study showed that: (i) based on semivariogram analysis, a 60-m grid did not produce reproducible semivariograms for Olsen P, K, and Zn, while a 60-m grid provided reproducible semivariograms for total N and C and pH; (ii) yields may have been enhanced in upper and lower backslope positions by P additions, while corn grain yields were not correlated to soil P in poorly drained areas or where an old feed lot was located; and (iii) profitability can be improve by just understanding nutrient variability and may not require variable rate fertilizer equipment or yield monitors.

Publication Title

Precision Agriculture

First Page


Last Page


DOI of Published Version



P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust and W.E. Larson (ed.)

ISBN: 978-0-89118-258-0
