This collection houses proceedings and research reports from South Dakota State University, Department of Animal Science Sheep Field Day held on June, 13th 1975.
Submissions from 1975
Dry or High-Moisture Corn with Hay or Haylage at Various Levels for Feedlot Lambs, L. B. Embry and W. S. Swan
Response by Native Feedlot Lambs to Injectable Tramisol, L. B. Embry and W. S. Swan
Zeranol Implants for Feedlot Lambs, L. B. Embry and W. S. Swan
The Use of Bentonite as a Feeding Aid for Ruminants, R. J. Emerick, G. B. Huntington, and L. B. Embry
The Keys to a Bright Future for Lamb in the Market Place, Al Farrington
Marketing Lambs at Heavier Weights, Dan H. Gee and A. L. Slyter
Controlled Parturition in the Ewe, E. L. Harman and A. L. Slyter
Effect of Breed of Sire, Level of Postweaning Nutrition and Type of Birth on Ewe Growth and Lambing Performance at 12, 24 and 36 Months of Age, D. G. Levis and A. L. Slyter
Management Systems for Finishing Range Lambs, A. L. Slyer and W. R. Trevillyan
Lamb Production of Finnsheep Crossbred Ewes, A. L. Slyter