South Dakota State University, Department of Animal Science, Open PRAIRIE | South Dakota State University Research | Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange

The Department of Animal Science strives to excel in the three primary missions of a land grant university which are learning, discovery, and engagement. Graduates of the department are expected to pursue successful careers in the animal industry, meat industry, academia, veterinary medicine and other fields related to agriculture.

Departmental History
The Department of Animal Husbandry was formed in 1908. The name was changed to the Animal Science Department in 1963, at which time a curriculum in Range Management was offered. In 1967, the Poultry Department was combined with the Department of Animal Science. In 1982, the name was changed to the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. In 2011 the name reverted to the Department of Animal Science, due to the transfer of the Range Science staff and curriculum to the newly-formed Natural Resource Management Department.


Browse the Department of Animal Science Collections:

Animal Science Data Sets

Animal Science Faculty Books

Animal Science Faculty Publications

Animal Science Field Day Proceedings and Research Reports

Animal Science Newsletters

Animal Science Theses and Dissertations