Animal Science Theses and Dissertations | Department of Animal Science | South Dakota State University

This community contains the theses and dissertations of the South Dakota State University, Department of Animal Science. The Department of Animal Science offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Animal Science, or the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biological Sciences.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Identification and Characterization of Three Novel Rumen Bacterial Species in Sheep Fed a Concentrate Diet, Reid Frederick Anema


Increasing Soy Products Inclusion in Swine Diets to Improve Growth Performance, Health, and Pork Quality, Ashir Foreman Atoo


Feeding Isoacids to Swine: Inclusion Level and Interactions with Dietary Fiber and Protein, Angie Patricia Benavides Infante


Longevity in Afrikaner Cattle: A Survival Analysis, Allison M. Bot Steffl


Beef Hot Carcass Weight Influences Proteolysis, Clay J. Carlson


Evaluation of a Novel Corn Fermented Protein Ingredient, Probiotics, and Postbiotics on Nursery Pig Growth Performance and Gut Health, Juan F. Castillo Zuniga


The Influence of By-O-Reg+ Beef, an Oregano-based Essential Oil Supplement, on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Finishing Beef Steers, Bergin Mackenzie DeBruin


Anemia in Highly Prolific Sows: Implications on Piglet Outcomes, Farrowing Complications, and Longevity Considerations, Katlyn A. McClellan


Role of Production Systems on Carcass and Palatability Attributes of Bison, Lydia Margaret Hite O'Sullivan


Evaluation of Soybean Meal Versus Distillers Co-Products as a Protein Supplement for Finishing Beef Cattle: Effects on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Efficiency Of Dietary Net Energy Utilization, Cassidy R. Ross


Influence of Reduced Salt in Fully Cooked Ham and Sausage Cured with Natural Celery Powder on the Growth of Listeria Monocytogenes At 4⁰C, Anne Sherod


Evaluation of Dietary Fiber Technologies in Sow Diets, Garrin Shipman

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Regional Assessment of Live Cattle and Carcass Characteristics in the Northern Plains, Harlee A. Brauckmuller


Evaluating Precision Supplementation Technology and Mathematical Nutrition Models for the Development of Heifers Grazing Dormant Rangeland in Western South Dakota, Anna Katherine Dagel


Characterizing Vaginal Gene Expression in Prepubertal Gilts, Shannon Lee Dierking


Feeding Strategies to Improve Gastrointestinal Health and Growth Performance of Confinement Fed Ruminants, Forest Laine Francis


Strategies to Optimize Confinement Fed Beef Cattle in the Northern Plains, Erin R. Gubbels


Evaluation of Precision Ingredient Inclusion on Production Efficiency Responses in Finishing Beef Cattle, Santana R. Hanson


Diet and Management Strategies to Mitigate Decreased Feed Intake Associated with Terminal Implant Administration in Finishing Beef Steers, Alexandria M. Kelly


Evaluation Of Yeast Postbiotic in Sow Diets on Sow and Offspring Performance and Microbial Succession, Joel Kieser


The Effects of Body Weight, Feed Intake, and Weather on Total and Liquid Water Intake in Growing Beef Cattle, Madison Rae Kovarna


Evaluation of Feed Additives and Delivery Method for Receiving and Finishing Cattle, Thiago Lauro Maia Ribeiro


Addressing Soil Carbon Sequestration Response from Multispecies Dairy Forage Systems and Modeling Rangeland Beef Cow Dry Matter Intake Using Precision Enteric Emissions Measurements, Lillian J. McFadden


Effect Of Lighter (273 Kg) and Heavier (356 Kg) Initial Weight on Growth Performance of Single-Source, Pre-Conditioned Beef Steers Fed A Single Growing-Finishing Diet, Thomas C. Norman


The Impact of Increasing Dietary Levels of Hybrid Rye on Growing-Finishing Pig Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality, Caitlyn Sullivan


Impact of Virtual Fence Technology on Yearling Steer Behavior, Performance, and Energetic Expenditure, Logan Riley Vandermark


Identification of Genes Expressed in the Anterior Pituitary Associated With Water Restriction in Beef Cattle, Himali Chathurika Wickramasinghe Vithana Arachchilage

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Influence of Beef Carcass Weight on Carcass Chilling, Steak Case Life and Quality Traits, Trevor C. DeHaan


High Protein Yeast-Based DDGS as an Alternative to Commonly Used Protein Sources in Pig Diets, Yesid Ricardo Garavito Duarte


Optimization of Forage Use in Diets Fed to Backgrounding and Finishing Cattle in The Northern Great Plains, Thomas G. Hamilton


Identification and Characterization of Candidate Rumen Bacterial Species from Beef Cattle with the Potential for Metabolizing Lipids, Cheyenne E. Hron


Determining the Impact of Corn Source on Nutrient Availability and Pig Performance, and Improving Boar Performance During Heat Stress, Jordan Jansen


Trace Mineral Source and Inclusion Level on Wean-to-Finish Pig Production, Marissa LaRosae


Application of Pork Checkoff We Care Sustainability Principles To Pork Production: Water, Nutrition, and Biosecurity, Hannah Miller


Effect of Finishing System and Animal Age on Carcass Traits and Nutritional Profile of Bison Bulls, Clay Newton


Defining Amino Acid Requirements of Pregnant Sows: Challenges and Opportunities, Christian D. Ramirez-Camba


Evaluating the Effects of Medium Chain Fatty Acids on Sow Reproductive Characteristics, Offspring Biological Health Markers, and Growth Performance, Analicia J. Swanson

ETDS from 2021


The Interactions of Change in Nutrition Prior to and After Artificial Insemination on Plasma Metabolites, Steroid Hormones, and Uterine Histotroph in Beef Heifers, Taylor N. Andrews


Corn Grain Alternatives and Coated Versus Non-Coated Trenbolone Acetate and Estradiol Impants for Feedlot Finishing Animals: Influence on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Efficiency of Dietary Net Energy Utilization, Beef Production per Hectare and Digestiblilty, Elizabeth Buckhaus


Evaluating Impacts of Tryptophan and Branched Chain Amino Acids in Swine Diets Containing Corn Based Dried Distillers Grains on the Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Grow-Finish Pigs, David Alan Clizer


The Influence of Carcass Weight on Beef Primal Temperature, Tenderness, and Palatability, Samantha Egolf


Cortisol in Hair as a Measure of Chronic Stress during Sow Gestation and the Pattern of Cortisol in Blood during Parturition in Sows, Talia Everding


Investigating the Development of Fecal Bacterial Communities in Growing Dairy Calves, Emily Fowler


Characterization of the Rumen Bacterial Communities of Bison Heifers Fed a Grass-Based Diet vs a Grain-Based Free-Choice Diet, Anlly Miley Fresno Rueda


Influence of Preharvest Management Strategies in Beef Cattle on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality, Erin Gubbels


Impact of Carcass Chilling System on Carcass Characteristics and Biochemical Changes in Beef Carcasses, Lydia Margaret Hite


Changes in Pregnancy - Associated Glycoproteins Associated with Fetal Age, Postpartum Interval and Evaluation of a Chute-side Lateral Flow Assay, Adalaide C. Kline


The Effects of Weather, Body Weight, and Feed Intake on Total and Liquid Water Intake in Beef Cattle, Zachary McDaniel


Search for New Fertility Markers in Bull Sperm, Saulo Menegatti Zoca


Management and Dietary Strategies to Mitigate Environmental Stressors in Northern Plains Cattle Feeding Systems, Warren Carl Rusche