Animal Science Faculty Publications | Department of Animal Science | South Dakota State University


Submissions from 2016


The Influence of Maternal Nutrition on Expression of Genes Responsible for Adipogenesis and Myogenesis in the Bovine Fetus, T.D. Jennings, M. G. Gonda, K. R. Underwood, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Blair


Splanchnic Extraction of Phenylalanine in Mature Mares Was Not Affected by Threonine Supplementation, Sara L. Mastellar, T. Barnes, K. Cybulak, and K.L. Urschel


Scientific Literacy of Equine Students Regarding the Use of Antibiotics and Vaccines, Sara L. Mastellar and R.C. Bott


Effects of Threonine Supplementation on Whole-Body Protein Synthesis and Plasma Metabolites in Growing and Mature Horses, Sara Mastellar, A. Moffet, P.A. Harris, and K.L. Urschel


Comparison of Three CIDR Based Fixed-time AI Protocols for Beef Heifers, G.A. Perry, J.K. Grant, J.A. Walker, G.A. Bridges, S.G. Kruse, S. Bird, K. Heaton, R. Arias, and S.L. Lake


Postinsemination Diet Change on Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers, G.A. Perry, B.L. Perry, and J.A. Walker


Comparison of Two Different Methods to Harvest Drought‐Damaged Corn, W.C. Rusche and J.A. Walker


Gastrointestinal Nitrogen Metabolism of Equids and Impact on Protein Requirement, Nathalie Trottier, Rebecca Bott, Adrienne Woodward, Elizabeth Greene, Cary Williams, Michael Westendorf, Ann Swinker, Sara L. Mastellar, and Krishona Martinson


SDSU Calf Value Discovery 2011 Summary Report, J.A. Walker, B.P. Holland, C.L. Wright, and W.C. Rusche


Influence of Propionate Salt Levels on Young Cow Reproductive Performance, J.A. Walker, G.A. Perry, and K.C. Olson


SDSU Calf Value Discovery 2012/2013 Summary Report, J.A. Walker and W.C. Rusche


SDSU Calf Value Discovery 2013/2014 Summary Report, J.A. Walker and W.C. Rusche

Submissions from 2015


Capturing Value-Added Opportunities, Lisa Elliott, Julie Walker, and Shannon Sand


Use of Protracted "think-pair-share" Activity on American Horse Council Welfare Code of Practice - Poster, Sara Mastellar, H.K. Carroll, and R.C. Bott


Use of Protracted “think-pair-share” Activity on American Horse Council Welfare Code of Practice Title, Sara Mastellar, H.K. Carroll, and R.C. Bott


The Influence of Maternal Energy Status During Mid-gestation on Beef Offspring Tenderness, Muscle Characteristics, and Gene Expression, D. A. Mohrhauser, A. R. Taylor, M. G. Gonda, K. R. Underwood, R. H. Pritchard, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Blair


Cold Stress Impacts on Cattle, Warren Rusche and Julie Walker


Feed testing and interpreting the results, Warren Rusche and Julie Walker


Integrating Backgrounding Cattle with a Cow/Calf Enterprise, Warren Rusche and Julie Walker


Prepping Calves for Success in the Feedyard and Beyond, Warren Rusche and Julie Walker


Setting the Stocking Rate, Alexander Smart, Julie Walker, and Roger Gates


Grazing Behavior of Drylot-developed Beef Heifers and the Influence of Postinsemination Supplementation on Artificial-insemination Pregnancy Success, Julie Walker


Beef Quality Assurance, Julie Walker, B. Gordon, and Heidi Carroll


Heat Stress Impact on Cattle, Julie Walker and Jim Krantz


Bull Nutrition, Julie Walker and George Perry


Herd Bull Fertility, Julie Walker and George Perry


Influence of Body Condition on Reproductive Performance of Beef Cows, Julie Walker, George Perry, and Warren Rusche


A Linkage Based Imputation Method for Missing SNP Markers in Association Mapping, Yi Xu, Yajun Wu, Michael G. Gonda, and Jixiang Wu

Submissions from 2014


Comparison of Three CIDR-based Fixed-time AI Protocols in Beef Heifers, G.A. Bridges, J.A. Walker, S.L. Lake, S.G. Kruse, S.L. Bird, B.J. Funnell, R. Arias, and J.K. Grant


Dietary Crude Protein Intake Influences Rates of Whole-Body Proteinsynthesis in Weanling Horses, Sara Mastellar, A.L. Wagner, R.N. Digianantonio, and P.A. Harris

Submissions from 2013


Changes in Chondrocyte Gene Expression Following In Vitro Impaction of Porcine Articular Cartilage in an Impact Injury Model, Melissa S. Ashwell, Michael G. Gonda, Kent Gray, Christian Maltecca, Audrey T. O'Nan, Joseph P. Cassady, and Peter L. Mente


BeefSD: An Integrated and Intensive Extension Curriculum for Beginning Beef Cattle Producers in South Dakota, K. Olson, Julie Walker, and S. Hadrick


Evaluation of Prior Grazing Experience on Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers, G.A. Perry, B.L. Perry, Julie Walker, C.L. Wright, R.R. Salverson, and H.H. Patterson


Managing Annual Cow Costs, Julie Walker

Submissions from 2012


Influence of Standing Estrus Before an Injection of GnRH During a Beef Cattle Fixed-time AI Protocol on LH Release, Subsequent Concentrations of Progesterone, and Steriodogenic Enzyme Expression, S. D. Fields, K. L. Gebhart, B. L. Perry, M. G. Gonda, C. L. Wright, R. C. Bott, and G. A. Perry


Measuring Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Vaccine Response: Using a Commercially Available ELISA as a Surrogate for Serum Neutralization Assays, M. G. Gonda, X. Fang, G. A. Perry, and C. Maltecca

Submissions from 2011


Stochastic Delation-insertion algorithm to Construct Dense Linkage Maps, Michael G. Gonda, Xiang-Yang Lou, and Jixiang Wu


Evaluating Glycerin Supplementation on Reproductive Performance of Sheep, J.A. Walker, G.A. Perry, R. Salverson, P. Nester, C. Schauer, J. Held, and K. Olson

Submissions from 2007


Cow Condition and Reproductive Performance, Julie Walker and George Perry

Submissions from 2005


Evaluating Consumer Acceptability and Willingness to Pay for Various Beef Chuck Muscles, A.C. Kukowski, R.J. Maddock, D.M. Wulf, and G.L. Taylor


Intramuscular Tenderness Variation Within Four Muscles of the Beef Chuck, G.A. Searls, R.J. Maddock, and D.M. Wulf


Determining the Optimum Beef Longissimus Muscle Size for Retail Consumers, K.K. Sweeter, D.M. Wulf, and R.J. Maddock

Submissions from 2004


Evaluating Consumer Acceptability of Various Muscles From the Beef Chuck and Rib, A.C. Kukowski, R.J. Maddock, and D.M. Wulf

Submissions from 2003


Effects of Fasting and Transportation on Pork Quality Development and Extent of Postmortem Metabolism, J.M. Leheska, D.M. Wulf, and R.J. Maddock

Submissions from 2002


Mapping Intramuscular Tenderness Variation in Four Major Muscles of the Beef Round, B.J. Reuter, D.M. Wulf, and R.J. Maddock


Evaluating the Point of Separation, During Carcass Fabrication, Between the Beef Wholesale Rib and the Beef Wholesale Chuck, B.J. Reuter, D.M. Wulf, B.C. Shanks, and R.J. Maddock


Technical note: The Effect of Freezing on Warner-Bratzler Shear Force Values of Beef Longissimus Steaks Across Several Postmortem Aging Periods, B.C. Shanks, D.M. Wulf, and R.J. Maddock


Increasing Tenderness of Beef Round and Sirloin Muscles Through Prerigor Skeletal Separations, B.C. Shanks, D.M. Wulf, B.J. Reuter, and R.J. Maddock


The Efficacy of Three Objective Systems for Identifying Beef Cuts That Can Be Guaranteed Tender, T.L. Wheeler, D. Vote, J.M. Leheska, S.D. Shackelford, K.E. Belk, D.M. Wulf, B.L. Gwartney, and M. Koohmaraie


Relationships Among Glycolytic Potential, Dark Cutting (Dark, Firm, and Dry) Beef, and Cooked Beef Palatability, D.M. Wulf, R.S. Emnett, J.M. Leheska, and S.J. Moeller

Submissions from 2001


Traversing the Internet for Useful Information, Julie Walker and Kory Bierle