"2021 South Dakota Producer Resurvey Descriptive Results" by Tong Wang, Jessica Ulrich-Schad et al.

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From January to March 2021, researchers from South Dakota State University (SDSU) and Utah State University (USU) conducted a resurvey of South Dakota of commodity crop producers in the eastern part of the state to study their attitudes and usage of soil and water conservation practices including cover crops, diversified crop rotations, conservation tillage, and integrated crop and livestock management. These same producers completed a similar survey in 2018 (see Wang et al. 2021a, b; Saak et al. 2021; Kolady et al. 2020; Avemegah et al. 2020).1 In the 2018 surveys, farming operations in 34 South Dakota counties east of the Missouri River, where most of corn and soybean farming activities in the state are located, were targeted to take the questionnaire (see map below). Using a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA), we obtained a list of 10,000 farming operations that had participated in Farm Service Agency (FSA) programs in 2016 from the FSA and selected 3,000 operations using proportionate stratified-random sampling according to number of farming operations in the study counties.




South Dakota State University
