"South Dakota Farmers’ Usage of Cover Crops" by Tong Wang and Jim Ristau

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Researchers at South Dakota State University (SDSU) conducted producer surveys in the eastern part of South Dakota in both 2018 and 2021. Producers could take the survey online or via mail and were asked questions about their farm, farming practices including usage of soil and water conservation practices, and their values. Using publicly available addresses from the Farm Service Agency, a random sample of 3,000 producers were sent the survey in 2018. 650 were ineligible, and 708 responded to the survey for a response rate of 30%. In 2021, the same producers who took the survey in 2018 were asked to take a follow up survey. 94 were ineligible, and 350 responded for a 59% response rate. This factsheet shows results based on the responses of the same participants who answered conservation practice questions in both surveys. Our focus here is only on the cover crop questions.


South Dakota State University


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