This community contains the theses of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.
A Master of Science is offered through the College of Engineering. Areas of specialization for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering include machine vision, biomaterials processing, soil and water engineering, structures, and machine design.
Due to copyright restrictions, the collection contains both open access and university access theses and dissertations. University access items are only available to SDSU users, and on-campus visitors. Non-SDSU users wishing to access restricted materials may request items through their institution’s interlibrary loan services.
ETDS from 1973
The Effects of Livestock Waste on Some Soil Strength Characteristics and Selected Tillage Operations, Rodney Joseph Devine
The Effects of Irrigation Application Depth on Corn Yield and Soil Moisture, Ronald L. Frankenstein
Ridge Vent Influence on Airflow Characteristics in a Model Open Front Beef Confinement Building, Donald P. Froehlich
Evaluation of Bi-level Drainage Theory with a Viscous-flow Analog, James Marfred Kienholz
Evaluation of Bi-Level Drainage Theory With a Viscous-Flow Analog, James Marfred Kienholz
Closed Confinement Beef Building Calorimetry and Influences of the Manure Storage Tank, Paul G. Remmele
Design and Evaluation of Air Distribution Systems in Agricultural Tractor Cabs for Summer Environmental Control, MIchael Albert Vig
ETDS from 1972
Analysis of Selected Knife Fertilizer Applicators for Grassland Improvement, Vincent James Alsaker
Environmental Conditions and Effects on Litter Size and Conception Rate of Swine, Ronald O. Disrud
Similitude Study of Airflow Characteristics and Evaluation of Ridge Vent Design for an Open Front Confinement Beef Barn, Ivar R. Dybwad
Heat and Moisture Production in a Closed Environment Beef Building During Warm Weather, Martin L. Hellickson
An Incrementally Distributed Mathematical Model of a Watershed, Charles Arnold Onstad
An Investigation of a Hydrostatic Transmission, James Joseph Rother
The Role of Rainfall Impact and Surface Flow in Soil Detachment and Transport, Robert Alan Young
ETDS from 1971
Partial Cooling of the Environment in Free Stalls for Sows During Farrowing and Lactation, Thomas R. Gannon
Design of the Distribution Portion for an Automated Closed Conduit Cut-back Furrow Irrigation System, Robert S. Snoozy
Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Monitoring Soil Moisture, Hal D. Werner
ETDS from 1969
A Time-lapse Photography Study of Free Stall Housing for Dairy Calves, James L. Reeves
Evaluation of an Accoustical Ear Muff for Agricultural Tractor Operators, Harlin J. Trefz
ETDS from 1968
A Gravel Envelope for a Tile Drain in a Coarse Silt Base Material, Dale A. Bucks
Potential Surface Water Storage Capacities of Various Contoured Geometric Shapes, Coy W. Doty
Study of Maintenance Deficiencies, Operating Horsepower, Fuel Efficiency, and Pump Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engine Powered Pumping Plants, George Robert Durland
Appraisal of Water Quality Standards for the Big Sioux River Downstream from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, John Mack Herreid
Storage and Retrieval System for Ground Water Quality Data in South Dakota, Rodolfo Lardizabal Laudencia
Effects of Marginal Quality Irrigation Water on the Accumulation of Salts and Alkali in Irrigated Soils, John M. Madden
A Study of the Adaptability of Till Planting Corn Under Dryland Conditions in Eastern South Dakota, Luther A. Mathison
Measurement, Analysis, and Reduction of Noise Produced by an Agricultural Tractor, Dennis W. Ryland
Analysis of Two Granular Pesticide Applicators for Experimental Plots, Gerald Albert Stangl
ETDS from 1967
Measurement of Vertical and Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivities on an Undisturbed Soil Core, R. Kent Anderson
A Method for Characterizing the Noise Produced by an Agricultural Tractor in Terms of the Acoustic Power and Directivity, Tom Shepherd Chisholm
Stress Distribution in and Deflection Properties of Tri-plate Beams in the Plastic Range, Richard Clarkson Cline
Investigation of Combine Header Losses During Grain Sorghum Harvest, Vern Earl Matter
ETDS from 1966
Hydrologic Aspects of Water Harvesting, Sidney W. Black
Laboratory Investigation of a Model Multi-tube Closed Conduit Spillway, Delvin D. Brosz
ETDS from 1965
The Effect of Constricted Pipe Flow on Low-pressure Pneumatic Grain Conveyance, Daryl C. Anderson
Effects of Wind on Falling Drops, Charles Russell Umback
The Effect of Change in Moisture Content on the Load Carrying Capacity of Three Member Nailed Wood Joints, William Theodore Welchert
Utilization of the Air Permeameter to Determine the Intrinsic Permeability of in Situ Soil, Robert A. Wiles
ETDS from 1964
The Effect of Wave Formation on Open Channel Flow in a Triangular Closed Conduit, Yung Kuan Lo
Rate of Advance and Infiltration on Furrow Irrigated Blencoe Soils in Southeastern South Dakota, Richard C. Pedersen
ETDS from 1963
The Effect of Cycling Moisture Content on the Lateral Load Carrying Capacity of Three Member Nailed Wood Joints, Conrad Brian Gilbertson
Solar-supplemental Heat Drying of Shelled Corn in Storage, William Henry Peterson
Comparison of Theoretical, Laboratory and Field Discharge Ratings for a Closed Conduit Spillway, Fred A. Schmer
ETDS from 1962
Inlet Investigation for Sharp Edged Pipe Culvert, Mansour L. Karim
ETDS from 1961
Preliminary Results on the Hooded Ogee Pipe Drop Spillway, Donald Mervin Edwards
The Design and Development of an Automatic Guiding System for a Tractor, Ali A. Hamidi
The Design, Construction, and Testing of an Exhaust-gas Thermoelectric Generator, Vernon D. Pepper
ETDS from 1960
Effects of Irrigation and Fertilization on Alfalfa Yield and Quality, Donald J. Brosz
Measurement of the Hydraulic Conductivity Above a Water Table in Situ, Anthony S. Dylla
The Design and Development of a Pasture Furrower for Constructing Contour Furrows Without Destroying the Sod, Henry T. Knudson
ETDS from 1959
The Design and Evaluation of a Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System for a 1000 Bird Windowless Cage Layer Poultry House in South Dakota, Donald D. Hamann
A Study to Determine the Technical Abilities Needed in the Farm Mechanics Curriculum of Agriculture Education Majors in Pre-Service Training, Marvin E. Larson
Development and Application of Wind Data to Wind Erosion Control Measures in South Dakota, John Walter Neuberger
Evaluation of The Use of Mathematical Expressions for Determining Yield from a Horizontal Well in a Thin, Shallow Aquifer, Kenneth A. Rowen
ETDS from 1958
Construction and Evaluation of the Performance of a Horizontal Well in a Shallow, Thin Aquifer, Eugene J. Doering
ETDS from 1957
A Local Cost-sharing Plan for Watersheds Under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, Henry N. Ziegler
ETDS from 1956
Research on a Portable Floor Plate Brooder with Electric Heating Elements for Use in South Dakota, Virgil H. Flesher
ETDS from 1955
Pan Evaporation Measuremnts as a Criterion for Predicting the Irrigation Requirements for Various Crops, Niel A. Dimick
Discharge from a Sandpoint Well System for a Thin Aquifer in the Sioux River Area, Harold Holmen
ETDS from 1954
Evaluation, Design and Use of Infiltration Measuring Equipment, Leonard Erie
ETDS from 1950
A Study of the Conditions Affecting Costs of Delivering Electricity to Rural Areas Through Central-station Service, Frank Wiersma
Effect of Wind Variation on Distribution Pattern of Slow Revolving Sprinkler Heads, John L. Wiersma
ETDS from 1949
A Study of the Mechanical and Economical Problems Involved in Converting a Farm Tractor from Gasoline Fuel Type to a Liquified Petroleum Type, Dennis Leroy Moe