This is a collection of research bulletins produced by the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station from 1887 to 2011. Bulletins were used by the Agricultural Experiment Station to disseminate research about crops, farming, wildlife, ranching, weather, etc. The research presented was generated across the SDSU College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Funding for the digitization and preservation of this collection was provided by the College of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. Print copies of all research bulletins are preserved in the University Archives.
Bulletins from 1969
Effect of Alternative Wheat and Feed Grain Prices on Optimum Farm Plans and Income, Faulk and Potter Counties, South Dakota, E. O. Ulrich and J. T. Sanderson
Effect of Alternative Wheat and Feed Grain Prices on Optimum Farm Plans and Income, North Central South Dakota, E. O. Ulrich and J. T. Sanderson
Impact of Irrigation Development on Income and Trade: Eastern and Central South Dakota, T. Christensen and A. J. Matson
Kota: A New South Dakota Oat, R. S. Albrechtson
Livestock Auctions in South Dakota: An Economic Analysis, R. L. Beck and D. K. Bendt
Physical Quality of South Dakota Wheat, R. C. Kinch and R. A. Pence
Primus II Barley, P. B. Price
Production, Crude Protein, and Use of 11 Irrigated Grasses and Alfalfa-Grass Combinations on Clay Soils in Western South Dakota, J. R. Johnson and J. T. Nichols
Range Improvement Practices: Deteriorated Dense Clay Wheatgrass Range, J. T. Nichols
Seasonal Marketing of Manufacturing Milk: Associated Factors in Eastern South Dakota, R. L. Beck and L. G. Traub
South Dakota Agricultural Off-Farm Occupational Opportunities and Training Needs, H. W. Gadda and J. Pollman
Wheat Quality and Yield. . . Spring versus Winter, R. C. Kinch and R. A. Pence
Winoka: A New Hard Red Winter Wheat, D. G. Wells, J. J. Bonnemann, and G. W. Buchenau
Bulletins from 1968
Alfalfa Leaf-Cutter Bee: Management for Alfalfa Pollination in South Dakota, R. J. Walstrom and P. A. Jones
Hedging, Forward Contracting and Agricultural Credit, M. Powers
Livestock Marketing in the Upper Missouri River Basin Part III: Cost-Volume Relationships of Commission Firms, M. J. Powers and D. R. Bendt
Livestock Marketing in the Upper Missouri River Basin Part II: The Sioux City Stockyards-Facilities and Costs of Operation, M. J. Powers and D. R. Bendt
Long Span Fences, R. A. Moore, H. G. Young, M. E. Larson, and G. B. Haiwick
New Spread Type Dairy Product, S. W. Seas and K. R. Spurgeon
Resource Requirements for Different Levels of Income on Faulk County, South Dakota Farms and Ranches, D. E. Umberger and R. D. Helfinstine
Bulletins from 1967
Barley Rations for Finishing Beef Cattle, L. B. Embry, A. E. Dittman, F. W. Whetzal, and R. D. Goodrich
Economics of Firm Growth: GP-2 Seminar, W. R. Bailey, J. R. Martin, O. Walker, and B. Johnson
Header Attachments Help Save Grain Sorghum at Harvest, P. K. Turnquist and V. E. Matter
Primus Barley: A New Breed for South Dakota, P. B. Price
Bulletins from 1966
Establishing Vegetative Cover to Protect Roadside Soils in South Dakota, D. Hovland, D. E. Wesley, and J. Thomas
Evaluation of the Farm and Home Development Program in Deuel County: 1958 to 1964, J. C. Bigger and H. M. Sauer
Grass Performance in South Dakota, J. G. Ross, S. S. Bullis, and R. A. Moore
Ground and Rolled Corn Grain in Beef Cattle Rations, L. B. Embry, R. D. Goodrich, and G. F. Gastler
Hume: A Hard, Red winter Wheat, D. G. Wells, G. W. Buchenau, and J. J. Bonnemann
Prunus hortulana: A Virus-Free, Nonsprouting Understock for Hardy Plums and Ornamental Prunus, W. F. Buchholtz, C. M. Nagel, and H. G. Pulsifer
South Dakota Mosquitoes and Their Control, R. W. Gerhardt
The Hutterites: South Dakota's Communal Farmers, M. P. Riley and J. R. Stewart
The South Dakota Pasture Furrower, H. Waelti and D. L. Moe
Bulletins from 1965
Joint Spatial Analysis of Regional Slaughter and the Flows and Pricing of Livestock and Meat, R. L. Rizek, G. G. Judge, and J. Havlicek
Minimum Tillage for Growing Corn, F. Shubeck and Q. Kingsley
The Hutterite Brethren: An Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to South Dakota Hutterite Colonies, M. P. Riley
Travois: An Alfalfa for Grazing, M. D. Rumbaugh, S. R. Moore, and J. D. Colburn
Where Native South Dakotans Lived in 1960, M. P. Riley
Bulletins from 1964
Crop Production Practices for Irrigated Land in the James Basin and Angostura Areas, L. O. Fine, N. A. Dimick, R. E. Campbell, and H. M. Vance
Economic Comparison of Irrigated and Dryland Farming in Central South Dakota, R. D. Helfinstine
Economic Ethics Bibliography: Ethical Studies, P. W. Van Vlack, C. L. Sewrey, and C. E. Nielsen
Evaluation of the Boarding School Diets of Indian Children of the Dakotas and Observations on the Growth and Development of Adolescent Indian Girls, C. Schuck, B. G. Wenberg, and M. T. Boedeker
Fertilizing Irrigated Rotations in the Proposed Oahe Irrigation Area, P. D. Eveson and L. O. Fine
Management Ethics Guide, P. W. Van Vlack
Retirement Plans, Concepts and Attitudes of Farm Operators in Three Eastern South Dakota Counties, H. M. Sauer, W. W. Bauder, and J. C. Biggar
Spatial Analyses of the Flow of Slaughter Livestock in 1955 and 1960, J. Havlicek, R. L. Rizek, and G. G. Judge
Spatial Analyses of the Meat Marketing Sector in 1955 and 1960, G. G. Judge, J. Havlicek, and R. L. Rizek
Variation of Precipitation in South Dakota, R. F. Pengra
Bulletins from 1963
Farm Tenancy Problems in South Dakota, R. L. Berry
Soil Survey of Hand County South Dakota, E. M. White, F. C. Westin, and G. J. Bently
Sprinkler Irrigation Management, J. L. Wiersma
The Dakota Indian Economy: Factors Associated with Success in Ranching, V. Malan
Bulletins from 1962
Comparison of Heating Efficiency of a Heat Pump to Electric Heating Panels, H. Winterfeld and D. L. Moe
Oahe Intermediate Wheatgrass, J. G. Ross and S. S. Bullis
Procurement Policies and Practices of Dairy Manufacturing Plants in Eastern South Dakota, T. W. Manning and R. E. Nelson
The Dakota Indian Community: An Analysis of the Non-Ranching Population of the Pine Ridge reservation, V. D. Malan and E. L. Schusky
Twenty Years of Soil Management on a Vienna Silt Loam, L. F. Puhr
Twenty Years of Soil Management Studies at Central Substation, Highmore, South Dakota, D. Hovland, B. L. Brage, and W. Pringle
Bulletins from 1961
Adjustment of the Elderly in Retirement Homes in Eastern South Dakota, D. G. Klug and H. M. Sauer
A New Approach to Swine Shade Construction, C. N. Hinkle and H. G. Young
Fertilizing Brome Grass--Crested Wheat Grass in Western South Dakota, J. R. Thomas
Insecticides Increase Alfalfa Seed Production in South Dakota, R. J. Walstrom
Low Voltage Flexible Sequence Automatic Controls, M. D. Paine, H. Winterfeld, and D. L. Moe
Procurement Policies and Practices of Dairy Manufacturing Plants in Eastern South Dakota, R. E. Nelson and T. W. Manning
Producing Grass Seed in South Dakota, J. G. Ross
Transportation of Boilers into the North Central States, W. H. Thompson
Using Climatic Water Balance to Determine Irrigation Needs in South Dakota, R. F. Pengra
Bulletins from 1960
Contacts with Agricultural Agents, J. D. Photiadis
Dehorning Yearling Beef Cattle, R. M. Luther
Economic and Organizational Aspects of Cooperative Feedlots, G. E. Marousek and H. J. Dirks
Environmental Control in Poultry Laying Houses, D. D. Hamann, H. G. Yound, and D. L. Moe
Farm Plans for Wheat Farmers in North Central South Dakota, R. D. Helfinstine
Manufacture and Sale of Cultured Butter, S. W. Seas, W. F. Stoll, D. F. Breazeale, and R. J. Baker
Strawberry Production in South Dakota, S. A. McCrory
The Crow Creek Indian Family, V. D. Malan and J. F. Powers
The Portable Floor Plate Brooder, M. D. Paine, H. H. DeLong, and C. W. Carlson
Transportation of Poultry Feed Ingredients from the North Central States, W. H. Thompson
Bulletins from 1959
Alfalfa Silage Effect of Storage Methods on Feeding Value and on Preservation of Nutrients, W. C. McCone and O. E. Olson
Diethylstilbestrol for Wintering, Pasturing and Fattening Beef Cattle, D. V. Radabaugh and L. B. Embry
Evaluation of the Self-Chosen Weighed Diets of 402 Women 30-97 Years of Age in Seven North Central States, L. M. Burrill, B. Alsup, C. Schuck, and H. Roberts
Growing Raspberries in South Dakota, H. E. Lasn and S. A. McCrory
High Quality Oats for Growing Pigs, R. C. Wahlstrom
Parasites of Fishes in South Dakota, E. J. Hugghins
Salinity and Livestock Water Quality, L. B. Embry, M. A. Hoelscher, R. C. Wahlstrom, and C. W. Carlson
Soil Survey of Brookings County South Dakota, F. C. Westin, G. J. Buntley, F. E. Shubeck, and L. F. Puhr
Storage Structures for Grass Silage, G. C. Zoerb, H. G. Young, H. H. DeLong, and D. L. Moe
Tenant Interest in Long-Term and Flexible Cash Leases, R. L. Berry and V. E. Bau
The Dakota Indian Religion, A Study of Conflict in Values, V. D. Malan and C. J. Jesser
The Northern Alfalfa Seed Picture: Marketing, D. C. Dahl and C. H. Benrud
The Northern Alfalfa Seed Picture: Production, C. H. Benrud and D. C. Dahl
Bulletins from 1958
Dual, an Early Grain and Forage Sorghum, C. J. Franzke
Preliminary Evaluation and Description of Domestic and Introduced Fruit Plants, S. A. McCrory
Teton Alfalfa, A New Multi-purpose Variety for South Dakota, M. W. Adams and G. Semeniuk
The Dakota Indian Family, Community Studies on the Pine Ridge Reservation, V. D. Malan
Transportation of Poultry and Poultry Products from the North Central States, W. H. Thompson
Wintering Calves with Alfalfa Hay or Prairie Hay, L. B. Embry, A. C. Dittman, and G. F. Gastler
Bulletins from 1957
Chemical Composition of Turkeys as it Affects Palatability and Keeping Quality, L. M. Burrill, C. W. Carlson, W. Kohlmeyer, and E. B. Alsup
Effects of Preservatives on Alfalfa Silage for Dairy Cattle, H. H. Voelker and E. Bartle
Liberty Barley, D. D. Harpstead