This is a collection of research bulletins produced by the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station from 1887 to 2011. Bulletins were used by the Agricultural Experiment Station to disseminate research about crops, farming, wildlife, ranching, weather, etc. The research presented was generated across the SDSU College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Funding for the digitization and preservation of this collection was provided by the College of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. Print copies of all research bulletins are preserved in the University Archives.
Bulletins from 1957
Milk or Cream, Which is More Profitable for South Dakota Farmers and Creameries?, T. W. Manning
South Dakota Sites for Straw Pulping Plants, R. L. Kristjanson
The Future of Federal Land Use Purchase Projects in South Dakota, L. Grover
Bulletins from 1956
Date and Rate of Corn Planting, A. N. Hume, V. A. Dirks, and D. B. Shank
Feeding Value of Early, Medium and Late Cut Prairie Hay, L. B. Embry, G. F. Sastler, and O. E. Olson
Intensity of Grazing Effect on Livestock and Forage Production, J. K. Lewis, G. M. Van Dyne, L. R. Albee, and F. W. Whetzal
Pelleted Feeds with and without Antibiotics for Fattening Lambs, L. F. Bush and R. M. Jordan
Preventing Selenium Poisoning in Growing and Fattening Pigs, R. C. Wahlstrom, L. D. Kamstra, and O. E. Olson
Bulletins from 1955
A Comparison of Linseed and Soybean Oil Meal and Methods of Feeding Growing-Fattening Pigs, T. Wright
A Market News Service for Livestock Auctions in South Dakota, O. Nervik, G. E. Marousek, and R. L. Kristjanson
Antibiotics in Growing and Fattening Pig Rations, R. C. Wahlstrom
Economic Potentials of Irrigated and Dryland Farming in South Dakota, R. D. Helfinstine
Farm Fly Control, W. M. Rogoff
Fifty Years Experience on the Belle Fourche Irrigation Project, M. P. Riley, W. F. Kumlien, and D. Tucker
Food Habits of South Dakota Women, L. M. Burrill and B. Alsup
Growth and Decline of South Dakota Trade Centers, 1901-51, D. Chittick
Observations on Parasitism in Sheep in Northwestern South Dakota, B. S. Harshfield, F. N. Carlson, and T. A. Dorsey
Quality Aspects of Butter Marketing in South Dakota, E. Feder, D. F. Breazeale, and R. Newberg
Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Potter County, W. I. Watkins, G. J. Buntley, F. C. Westin, and F. E. Shubeck
The Influence of Nitrogen and Potassium on the Availability of Fertilizer Phosphorus, L. O. Fine
Bulletins from 1954
Cattle Grubs and Their Control in South Dakota, J. A. Lofgren, I. H. Roberts, W. L. Berndt, and K. Rasmussen
Dairy Marketing in the Northern Great Plains: Its Patterns and Prospects, E. Feder and S. W. Williams
Dupree and Waubay: Two New Oats for South Dakota, V. A. Dirks
Farrowing Systems Their Effects on Returns in Hog Production, R. C. Wahlstrom, R. F. Wilson, and T. Wright
Financing Cooperatives, O. Nervik and R. Cunderson
Likelihood of Damaging Low Temperatures During the Growing Season, R. F. Pengra and M. D. Magnuson
Population Trends in Relation to Resources Development in South Dakota, J. P. Johansen
Soils Survey of Spink County South Dakota, F. C. Westin, G. J. Buntley, W. C. Moldenhauer, and F. E. Shubeck
Soybeans for Fattening Lambs, R. M. Jordan
Bulletins from 1953
Cobalt Salt in Lamb Rations, R. M. Jordan and H. Weakly
Grasses and Legumes: Production and Management in South Dakota, W. W. Worzella, L. O. Finfe, J. G. Ross, and M. W. Adams
Market News on Eggs and Poultry in South Dakota, E. Feder
Reliance, An Early Grain Sorghum, C. J. Franzke
Soft Corn - Feeding and Handling, O. E. Olson, G. Gastler, W. C. McCone, and C. Wilson
Soils of Clay County South Dakota, G. J. Buntley, W. C. Bourne, and F. C. Westin
The Influence of Migration Upon South Dakota's Population, 1930-50, J. P. Johansen
TVA Land Acquisition Experience Applied to Dams in the Missouri Basin, K. Kristjanson
Urea for Pregnant Ewes, R. M. Jordan
Bulletins from 1952
An Analysis of Small Grain Performance in South Dakota, 1942-1951, J. E. Grafius and V. A. Dirks
Cable-type Backrubbers for Horn Fly Control on Cattle, W. M. Rogoff
Fruits and Vegetables in the Home Freezer, Factors Affecting Quality, L. M. Burrill and B. Alsup
Mulching Strawberry Plants for Winter Protection, S. A. McCrory and W. Lazaruk
Nitrate Poisoning, E. I. Whitehead and A. L. Moxon
Soils of Day County South Dakota, A. J. Klingelhoets, E. R. Lumb, and G. J. Buntley
Sorghum as a Feed for Lambs, R. M. Jordan, W. H. Burkitt, and J. W. Wilson
Wintering Beef Cows on South Dakota Ranges, L. E. Johnson, A. L. Moxon, and R. L. Smith
Bulletins from 1951
Cows, Calves and Grass: Effects of Grazing Intensities on Beef Cow and Calf Production and on Mixed Prairie Vegetation on Western South Dakota Ranges, L. E. Johnson, L. R. Albee, R. O. Smith, and A. L. Moxon
Development of Irrigated Farms on the Mirage Flats Project, K. Kristjanson
Egg Marketing Losses in South Dakota, E. Feder and W. Kohlmeyer
Fattening Yearling Beef Cattle on Pasture, W. C. McCone
Freezing and Storing Meat for Quality and Economy, E. A. Pierce, H. H. DeLong, and J. R. Dynes
Grass Hay at its Best, A. L. Moxon, G. Gastler, G. E. Staples, and R. M. Jordam
Land Market Trends in South Dakota, 1941-1950, G. Lundy and R. F. Pengra
Marketing Lambs - Comparison of Liveweight Method and Carcass Weight and Grade Method, O. Nervik and D. G. Paterson
Marketing South Dakota Feeder Cattle, O. Nervik
Pierre Rye, J. E. Grafius
Soils of Jerauld County South Dakota, A. J. Klingelhoets, V. W. Voxon, G. B. Lee, and G. J. Buntley
Wearing Quality of Reused Wool, L. O. Lund, E. L. Phelps, and H. W. Norton
Bulletins from 1950
Abstract of Title to Keeping Your Farm in the Family, Max Myers
Community School Districts in the Making, W. F. Kumlien
Electric Light and Power Systems for the Farm, H. H. Delong
Feeding Dakota Lambs: Results of Feeding Trials at the Newell Field Station, R. M. Jordan and H. Weakly
Galvanized or Painted Steel Fence Posts, D. L. Moe
James Hulless Oats, J. E. Grafius and V. A. Dirks
Rations for Wintering Breeding Ewes, R. M. Jordan
Bulletins from 1949
Hard-Surfaced Floors for Farm Buildings, J. L. Wiersma
Norghum Sorghum: An Early Combine Grain Sorghum, C. J. Franzke
Rushmore Spring Wheat, J. E. Grafius and V. A. Dirks
Sorghum Fodder for Wintering Bred Ewes, L. E. Johnson and G. E. Staples
Storing Grain Sorghum, H. H. DeLong and E. I. Whitehead
Bulletins from 1948
Bovine Mastitis: Treatment with Penicillin and Herd Practices which aid in its Control, D. F. Breazeale, P. L. Kelly, E. Bartle, and A. B. Hoerlein
Cultured Buttermilk from Non-Fat Dry Milk Solids, A. A. Schock and D. F. Breazeale
Father-Son Farming Plans: Growing into the Farm Business, C. R. Hoglund and A. W. Anderson
Feeds for Wintering Bred Ewes in South Dakota, J. W. Wilson, L. E. Johnson, and T. Wright
Fewer but Larger School Systems in South Dakota, W. F. Kumlien
Bulletins from 1947
Feeding Bred and Open Sows for Market, L. E. Johnson and T. Wright
Forage from Kochia (KOCHIA SCOPARIA L.), E. L. Erickson and A. L. Moxon
Ranching in Northwestern South Dakota, C. R. Hoglund and M. B. Johnson
What Size Farm or Ranch for South Dakota?, C. R. Hoglund
Bulletins from 1946
Alfalfa in South Dakota: Twenty-one Years of Research at the Redfield Station, S. Garver
Beef Cattle Housing in the North Central Region of the United States, R. L. Patty, W. Ashby, D. G. Carter, and J. E. Comfort
Early Planted Treated Seed Produces Higher Sorghum Yields, W. F. Bucholtz
Vitamin D Defficiency in Dairy Cows, G. C. Wallis
Bulletins from 1945
Leaf Curl and Pockets Control by a Lime Sulphur Dormant Spray, W. F. Bucholtz and C. M. Nagel
Rammed Earth Walls for Farm Buildings, R.L. Patty and L.W. Minium
Tillage Methods in Grasshopper Control, G. B. Spawn
Bulletins from 1944
A Tractor Mounted Manure Loader, H. H. DeLong
Corn, Wheat, and Barley for Chickens, W. O. Wilson
Cylinder Adjustments for Threshing Barley, H. H. DeLong
Fattening Range Lambs on South Dakota Feeds, I. B. Johnson and L. E. Johnson
Lengthening the Garden Season and Increasing Vegetable Yields, L. C. Snyder
Turkey Egg Hatchability in South Dakota, F. R. Sampson and W. O. Wilson
Bulletins from 1943
Creep Feeding Calves for Baby Beef Production, I. B. Johnson and F. U. Fenn
Crop Yields as related to Depth of Plowing, A. N. Hume
Farm Mortgage Experience in South Dakota: 1910-40, G. Lundy
Feed-Grain Price Relationships in South Dakota, L. T. Smythe and C. R. Hoglund
What Price for this Land?, N. J. Anderson
Bulletins from 1942
Barley Various Weights for Fattening Pigs, T. Wright
Cooperative Creameries in South Dakota, W. P. Cotton, G. Lundy, and L. M. Brown
Egg and Poultry Marketing in South Dakota, W. P. Cotton and W. O. Wilson