"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Spring 1981


Director’s Comments [p] 2 “If it doesn’t seem a good time to celebrate, think back 100 years. Times weren’t good then, either”
Diet and pills [p] 3 “schoolkids’ diaries held no surprises; some needed extra vitamins and minerals, some didn’t, some were taking wrong ones”
Sclerotinia [p] 7 “If these diseases move in, beware. They’ll limit sunflower production unless we find resistant varieties “
Ordway Prairie [p] 10 “A preserve that won’t be ‘preserved,’ Ordway is a bit of nostalgia, a key to future, and a ‘managed’ Prairie “
No germs [p] 14 “Mother and babies-nine of them-are doing fine; they’re going to be very special pets of these vets”
Continuous cropping [p] 16 “Twenty years weren’t enough to deplete these soils; continuous corn gave highest TDN scores “


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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