"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Winter 1981


Money in the bank [p] 3 “Soil analysis –it’s basic. The Soil Lab provides the services for your minimum effort, your maximum profit”
Cottonwood [p] 7 “scientists enthusiastic about research with potential to double range carrying capacity”
Measuring biomass [p] 11 “developing new instruments and techniques could speed research results. Answer ‘down the road’
Manageable shelterbelts [p] 12 “Twin row-high density design promises maximum access, height, and ground level density”
Dawn and Rita [p] 14 “New hard winter wheats show promise for disease resistance and high yield”
Long-term solutions [p] 17 “Success in corn breeding is hard won. Developing population and inbred strake time, commitment.


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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