"South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1984)" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Fall 1984


This issue contains the 97th South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report. This report covers July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984.

Director’s Comments: Over a cup of coffee: that’s the best way to communicate [p] 2
Electric tractor: Choremaster prototype is up and running. Silence one of its virtues [p] 3
Lambing all at once: Visit your vet, talk this over; lambing time can be less hectic [p] 7
Pick-me-quick: Pepper research was last thing on their minds when they came to SDSU [p] 10
In-field soil test: At planning time you have better things to do than watch mailbox [p] 13
Blue milk: Yes, we can treat mastitis, but when, for sure, is antibiotic milked out? [p] 15
Row spacing: Which windbreak stops snow better-one that is open or one that is tight [p] 17
Feed antibiotics: In the news “expect news from congress; an FDA report coming also [p] 22
Feed antibiotics: SDSU report “Guidelines stay the same: be sensible in their use [p] 22
97th annual report [p] 25


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1984)

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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