"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Spring 1984


Director’s Comments: Former Extension director praises team that ‘discovers and delivers’ counters assumptions with facts [p] 2

Meadowlark: Both bird and bush are harbingers of spring. Until now, no forsythia has been winter hardy in our state [p] 3

A shot for scabies: SDSU-researched drug is now approved by FDA; it’s not as hard on the cattle as dipping [p] 6

Feeding flowers: if sunflowers crop isn’t good enough for the crushes, two options are to feed to sows and to growing-finishing swine [p] 7

Is the exodus over?: They are leaving the glitter and bright lights. But are they coming to South Dakota? [p] 10

On corn: Eyespot: New disease shows up, but not found in commercial fields yet. It has killed field back east [p] 13

For horses: If you raise oats to sell and if you want a premium price, be on lookout for this new variety [p] 14

For pastures: New variety is big improvement over older switch grasses, will give a better summer pasture [p] 15

The great debate: In poll, only 19% of farmers favor keeping present system of making farm policy decisions [p] 16


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Life Sciences Commons



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