"Evaluation of the effects of feeding solvent-extracted carinata meal t" by R. D. Lawrence and J. L. Anderson

Evaluation of the effects of feeding solvent-extracted carinata meal to dairy cows on lactation performance

Document Type


Publication Date



2019 American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting: Cincinnati, Ohio


American Dairy Science Association


Journal of Dairy Science










carinata meal, dairy cow, milk production


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of feeding solvent-extracted carinata meal, as a new potential protein source, to lactating cows on feed intake, milk production and milk composition. Twenty Holstein cows (12 primiparous and 8 multiparous) at 83.3 ± 0.05 DIM were used in a 12-wk randomized complete block design study. Treatments included: 1) control diet with 10% (DM basis) canola meal (CON) and 2) 10% carinata meal (CRM). Canola meal was used in the control diet for comparison because it is also a Brassica oilseed. Forage inclusion of the diet was similar (18% alfalfa hay, 33% corn silage), and most ingredients in the grain mix were similar, but the soybean meal and soyhulls varied slightly between treatments to make diets isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Both diets were fed as TMR using Calan gates. Cows were milked 2×/d. Body condition scores (BCS) and body weights (BW) were measured on 2 d during wk 0 and every 2 wk throughout. Milk samples were taken at each milking on the same days. Data were analyzed using MIXED procedures of SAS 9.4 with repeated measures. Significance was declared at P < 0.05. Dry matter intakes (25.0, and 25.3 kg/d, for CON and CRM, respectively; SEM = 0.72) were similar (P > 0.05) between treatments. Treatments had similar BW (675 and 670 kg; SEM = 5.5) and BCS (3.00, and 3.04; SEM = 0.04). Milk production (37.0, and 36.0 kg/d; SEM = 1.63), milk protein yield (1.25, and 1.23 kg/d; SEM = 0.06), and lactose yield (1.25, and 1.23 kg/d; SEM = 0.06) were similar between treatments but had treatment by wk interactions (P < 0.05). Feed efficiency (1.55, and 1.46; SEM = 0.08) was similar. The MUN (9.10, and 8.70 mg/dL; SEM = 0.30), SCC (56.50, and 82.00 105/mL; SEM = 0.59) and milk fat yield (0.93, and 0.88 kg/d; SEM = 0.10) was not different. Overall results indicate that 10% CRM can be fed to lactating dairy cows without detrimentally affecting milk production and composition. Based on this study, carinata 228 J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 102, Suppl. 1 meal is a high quality protein source for dairy cows and may be used in replacement of canola meal to maintain lactation performance.
