About This Journal | Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD | South Dakota State University

About This Journal

Discourse: The Journal of the Speech Communication Association of South Dakota publishes original articles from academics and professionals of all levels in communication, rhetoric, forensics, theatre and other speech-related or theatre-related activities. As such, the journal embraces the interdisciplinary nature of the field of speech communication. The journal accepts articles with the diverse range of concerns of the theoretical to the applied, from the humanities to the social sciences, and from the scholarly to the pedagogical. The journal’s primary audience is constituted of teachers and scholars in communication, theater, and English; and coaches of speech, debate and theatre performance activities. A part of the vision of this journal is the education of all people involved in the journal experience: the reader, the author, the reviewers, and even those involved the editorial process. Works considered for publication will be of high quality and contribute to the knowledge and practices of the SCASD community. While manuscripts should be written with clear, efficient, and readable prose, our educational philosophy for the journal underpins our requesting constructive critique for all reviews. Reviewers should strive to provide professional, productive, and civil feedback to the editor and author. For insight into the review process, we request that all of our reviewers please consult the following article on peer review: Peer Review: How to Get it Right.