Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
The purpose of this study is to show the financial condition of the Colman Independent School, the change in the elementary and high-school enrollments, and the costs per pupil over the ten-year period, 1940 to 1949. As educational theory and practice have attempted to adjust themselves to, and keep abreast of a rapidly changing social order, the scope of education, as measured by the number of children and the cost of educating them, has increased and the school has assumed a different role in the training of youth than it formerly did. The organization of a school must be responsive to rapid changes, both in enrollment and cost per pupil, if modern concepts of administration are to be expressed. A study of this nature has its greatest significance for the school officers who are responsible for the financial management and for determining school policies.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Public schools -- South Dakota -- Colman
Number of Pages
South Dakota State University
No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Recommended Citation
Woodward, H. W., "A Financial Summary and an Enrollment-trend Survey of the Colman Independent School for the Ten-year Period for School Year 1939-1940 through Year 1948-1949" (1950). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2211.