"Effects of High Temperature on Fruit Set in Tomatoes Lycopersicon Escu" by Hashem M. Moghrabi

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



Flower and fruit drop is a great problem to growers in many tomato producing areas. Workers have observed this phenomenon of the loss of flowers or undeveloped fruit and have associated it with heat, moisture, and physiological condition of the plant. In view of the association of carbohydrate level with yield, one phase of this experiment was designed to determine the separate and combined effects of temperature and light on fruit setting. Both normal and abnormal (high) temperatures were used following a dark treatment. This phase of the work was planned for two main purposes. One was the effect of holding transplants in the dark before planting in the field. This might be of significance in areas where abnormally high temperatures follow transplanting. Another reason for this phase of the work was to obtain an indication of the role of light intensity in fruit setting. The feasibility of future work along this ling might be indicate by the results. Seventeen varieties of tomatoes in phase 3 were used in part of the experiment in order to detect varietal differences in regard to ability to set fruit under adverse conditions. Another phase of the work concerned stages of flower development at which abscission is most likely to occur. The author felt that there was a need for further work in determining at which of various stages, before or after fertilization, abscission is most likely to occur. Applications for commercial growing, for the production of commercial hybrids, and for making crosses in the course of tomato breeding could conceivably be made from these findings. That time of pollination in relation to high temperature might have some bearing on fruit set is to be considered.

Library of Congress Subject Headings



Includes bibliographic references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


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