"A School District Reorganization Plan for Brookings County, South Dako" by Lawrence A. Carlson

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



One of the most significant and challenging problems now facing many state school systems is that of reorganizing the school districts into larger and more efficient local school administrative units. Leading educators have recognized the need for reorganization of school districts into larger administrative units. Although some school district reorganization plans have been passed by state legislatures during the past few years, reorganization has made relatively slow progress. The purpose of this study is to: (1) make a survey of the 1960-1961 school district organizational system in Brookings County, South Dakota; (2) make a comparison of the 1960-1961 organizational system with a proposed county unit plan. Statistical information for this study was gathered from various sources. Using the data collected, the proposed county unit plan was compared to the 1960-1961 organizational system under the following headings: (1) organization and administration (2) number of teachers and teacher-pupil ratios; (3) financial considerations; (4) transportation; (5) curriculum; and (6) school buildings.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

School districts -- South Dakota -- Brookings County


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
