"A Characterization of the Inorganic and Available Phosphorus Content o" by Robert O. Carlson

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



Phosphorus is an element that is becoming increasingly important in South Dakota soils. Although there seems to be a large supply of inorganic phosphorus in these soils, its availability to crops is definitely restricted. It was thought that a knowledge of the distribution of the different forms of phosphorus over a range of South Dakota soils is a necessary background for further understand phosphorus problems in the state. Interpretation of phosphorus behavior in soils involves some of the most interesting and baffling problems in the realm of soil science. Soils have been characterized by determining many parameters such as the pH, the clay content, the cation exchange capacity, and exchangeable cases. It was the purpose of this research to characterize the South Dakota soils studied as to the amount of phosphorus present as aluminum, iron, and calcium phosphate respectively, and to determine the phosphate release patterns of these soils, as indicated by successive leachings.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Soils -- South Dakota


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
