"A Study of Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Dielectric Cylinders" by Albert Shihyuan Wang

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Electrical Engineering


The object of this dissertation is to try to predict the characteristics of a cylindrical core of fluid material without the outside sleeve by analyzing the scattered fields with a sleeve. An attempt is made to investigate the change of the total scattered fields as a function of sleeve thickness, and to obtain an analytic method to predict the characteristics of the core material. Firstly, a theory will be developed to describe the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the composite dielectric cylinders. Then numerical data obtained through computer calculations will be studied by Fourier analysis to predict the scattering by the fluid material alone. The calculations presented apply to scattering by infinitely long coaxial cylinders immersed in a homogeneous and isotropic medium. All units of theoretical work throughout this dissertation are in the M.K.S. system for convenience.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Electric waves -- Scattering



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
