"Batch Regeneration Manganese Greensand Filters for Removal of Ra 226/2" by Bryan DeSmet

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Bryan DeSmet

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering

First Advisor

James N. Dornbush


The Garretson, SD water supply meets all of the primary drinking water standards with the exception of combined radium 226 am radium 228. The limit for combined radium 226/228 is 5 pCi/L am the Garretson water supply contains approximately twice that amount. In December of 1987, South Dakota State University (SDSU) entered into a contract with the South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources (SD DWNR) to determine the effectiveness of manganese greensand filters for the removal of radium from the Garretson water supply. The purpose of this thesis is to present the results obtained in this study as well as additional background information. The purpose of the SDSU study was to determine if a potassium permanganate greensand filter unit was a viable option for the alleviation of Garretson's radium problem. A small-scale study of the iron and manganese removal plant at Elk Point, SD, conducted by the SD DWNR, showed good removals of radium using aeration followed by sedimentation followed by continuous feed potassium permanganate which was followed by manganese greensand filters. However, because the overall chemical characteristics of the Elk Point and Garretson water supplies are very different, it was unknown whether the manganese greensand units would be effective in removing radium from the Garretson water supply. The objectives of the radium removal study at Garretson, SD included the following: 1. Determination of the ability of a batch regeneration potassium permanganate manganese greensand system to remove radium from the Garretson water supply. 2. If a potassium permanganate manganese greensand system was not effective in removing radium due to the low iron am manganese concentrations in the Garretson water supply, iron and/or manganese would be added to the water before treatment with manganese greensand.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Water -- Purification -- Filtration

Water-supply -- South Dakota -- Garretson

Drinking water -- South Dakota -- Garretson



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
