"The Revolution and its Treatment of Women's Rights Themes" by Dorothy J. Cline

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



To give this report historical perspective, the women’s rights movement in America was studies from the settlement of New England to and including the year in which The Revolution started publication. The history of the founding of The Revolution and the newspaper’s experiences during Miss Anthony’s proprietorship were also studies, and against this background The Revolution was examined for evidence of editorial treatment of the basic themes of the women’s rights movement. All issues of The Revolution during the period between January 8, 1868, and May 22, 1970, were examined for the purpose of identifying women’s rights theme and exemplifying treatment of such themes in The Revolution. In selecting representative articles and quotations, particular, although not exclusive, attention was given to editorial comment.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Women -- Periodicals.
Women -- Suffrage -- Periodicals.
Women's rights -- United States -- Periodicals.
Feminism -- United States -- Periodicals.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
