"The Dramatic Theory of Maxwell Anderson and its Relationship to Review" by Andrew B. Trump

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

Judith Zivanovic


This study proposed to establish a basic overview of Maxwell Andersons’s dramatic theory, then to analyze review and scholarly criticism of the Anderson plays according to guidelines set up in the study. Finally, it proposed to draw conclusions concerning the critics’ emphases relating to Anderson’s theory and the contribution this playwright-critic “clash” exhibited for the study of theatre and dramatic criticism. Maxwell Anderson's dramatic theory as stated in his essays was utilized as a framework agreement, comparison and contrast with a body of reviews and scholarly articles about Anderson's three plays. This review and scholarly criticism was analyzed in respective chapters according to guidelines that were found to stem directly from ideas expressed in Anderson's theory. The reviews analyzed were those from weekly and monthly magazines, quarterly journals, and issues of the New York Times on the following plays: Elizabeth the Queen, 1930; Mary of Scotland, 1933; Anne of the Thousand Days, 1948.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Anderson, Maxwell, 1888-1959 -- Criticism and interpretation.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
