"Influence of Formulation on the Persistence, Infiltration, and Volatil" by Brian Nelson

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Brian Nelson

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

W.E. Arnold


Unfavorable pesticide dissipation routes such as runoff into surface water bodies, run-in to groundwater, and precipitation of volatilized pesticides in rainfall have prompted a change in grower management practices. Reduced tillage minimizes the unfavorable impact of pesticide runoff and run-in, but, limited or no-tillage systems pose new challenges for the grower. Weed control ls the most critical problem in reduced tillage systems. Herbicides that provide season long weed control without requiring soil incorporation are needed. Alachlor [2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethyl-phenyl)-N­ (methoxy-methyl)acetamid] is used in no-till cropping systems. Controlled release herbicide formulations such as micro-encapsulations have been introduced to improve weed control. Research data comparing the microencapsulated (ME) and emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation is limited, A detailed evaluation of the soil persistence, volatilization rate, and soil infiltration characteristics of alachlor ME and alachlor EC would be beneficial. The objective of this study was to determine: (1.) the persistence of alachlor ME compared to alachlor EC in till and no-till cropping systems, (2.) soil infiltration differences between alachlor ME and alachlor EC in till and no-till, (3.) the effect of soil temperature and water-filled pore space on alachlor ME and alachlor EC degradation, and (4.) difference in volatilization rate of alachlor ME and alachlor EC in till and no-till systems.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Herbicides -- South Dakota
Soils -- South Dakota -- Herbicide content
Soil degradation




South Dakota State University
