"The Use of Video in Marketing Nonprofit Organizations: A Study of Loca" by Cindy J. Price

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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

Richard W. Lee


The economic hardship in the late l 980s and early 1990s took its toll on nonprofit organizations just like it did for the profit-making businesses. Even the United Way, which once could count on donations from big corporate employers, is finding competition for money to be more difficult (Hammonds, 1990, p. 102). As a result, the United Way has turned to marketing as its latest management trend (" A Guide to Practical Research," 1990, p. 1). Increasingly, videotapes are being used as part of its marketing plan to persuade viewers to contribute to its cause. United Way of America research showed the use of a videotape or film within the campaign fund drive was an important tool for providing more information about United Way and can be a motivator for viewers to contribute more money (Taylor, May 1991, p. 1). This thesis examined what impact two United Way videotapes had on their viewers. Specifically, "Something to Believe In" and "Caring: A Brookings Tradition," the first produced by United Way of America and the second produced by TV Productions of Brookings, South Dakota, for the Brookings United Way chapter. This thesis studied how the videotapes affected employees at the Brookings 3M plant in the fall of 1991 and if there were any differences between the viewers' perceptions of the videotapes.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

United Way of America -- Marketing
Video tape advertising -- United States
Video tape advertising -- South Dakota -- Brookings
Nonprofit organizations -- Marketing




South Dakota State University
