"Students' Perceptions of Professors Credibility: Does Professors' Use " by Karam Adibifar

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Document Type

Dissertation - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Rural Sociology

First Advisor

Donna J. Hess


A quasi-experimental design was used to examine students' perceptions of professors' credibility in terms of professors' use of technology in their teaching. The purpose was to determine the nature of the relationship between professors' use of technology in their teaching and whether that was related to students' perceptions of their credibility. For the study, students' characteristics such as gender, major, age, level of education, expected grade, and their previous computer background were analyzed to see if these characteristics made a difference in their perceptions of professors' credibility as it relates to professors' use of technology. Surveys were used to collect data. The sample (N= 445) used in this study consisted of six classes, two each from three different fields of study from a mid-size public university in the Midwest. Pairs of classes were selected with similar enrollments, similar class levels and with varying amounts and types of technology used in the classes. A pretest of student and faculty questionnaires was given to a sub-sample of students and professors prior to data collection. Using analysis of variance and covariance, the findings of the data revealed that perceived professors' credibility was related to professors' use of technology in teaching. The findings indicated that there was no relationship between perceived professors' credibility and students' gender, age, years in school, and majors. However, there was a positive relationship between perceived credibility as it relates to technology and students' expected grade and prior computer skills. The result also indicated that although students favor more use of technology in teaching, they still see traditional lecturing and the use of blackboards as positive methods of teaching. In addition, the findings revealed that students' perceptions of professors' credibility are related to the types of technology used and how effectively the technology is used in teaching.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Student evaluation of teachers
College teachers -- Rating of
Education -- Effect of technological innovations on
Technological literacy




South Dakota State University
