Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Marge Hegge


New staff nurses face a complex set of expectations in their first job. The competencies they learned in nursing school are often not those expected in the work world and the work world has unrealistic expectations for new nurses in their first job. The purpose of this study was to examine clinical competency expectations of new graduate nurses. The most important nursing competencies expected of new nurses were identified from three different groups: nurse educators, supervising nurses and new graduate nurses themselves. If disparities exist between expectations of these groups, dialogue can occur to bring expectations into alignment so that nursing education and nursing service can better prepare nurses for the work world. A survey was sent to nurse educators, new graduate nurses in their first six iv months of practice and their direct clinical nurse manager/supervisor. The study findings indicated there were similar findings in the most important _competencies but that significant differences existed in which competencies each group rated as most important. This important information can be utilized by nurse educators when planning curriculum and for. nurse managers/supervisors in the planning of orientation programs for new graduate nurses.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Role expectation.
Clinical competence.
Women nurses.


South Dakota State University



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