"Field Scale Evaluation of a Flow-through Filtration System with Mixed " by Ankur Debnath

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Guanghui Hua


The main goal of this research was to establish a field-scale stormwater filtration system which is flow-through and cost-effective in terms of construction and maintenance. The filter is constructed in a downstream drainage of a retention pond where the stormwater goes through the porous space of media so that it maintains low retention time with minimum disturbance in flow. The filter consists of two 20ft long sections with concrete channel and ripraps on the inlet & outlet side. 30% Steel chips and 70% steel slags in the size range of 6.00-12.5 mm have been used as media which has been tested and found efficient in removing E.Coli and nutrients such as Phosphate in previous researches. These materials have been tested individually for 24hrs to have an estimation of their E.Coli removal capacity before they were finally put into the filter for operation. Steel chips were significantly better than the steel slags as they provide more surface area and iron oxide for removing contaminants. Post-Storm and Baseflow sampling & analysis has been completed to obtain an idea on the removal performance. Consistently more than 30% removal has been observed. Media has an effect on pH due to the chemical composition of itself and is also responsible for leaching small amount of iron.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Runoff -- Purification -- Filtration.
Water -- Purification -- Filtration.
Escherichia coli.
Escherichia coli infections -- Prevention.
Filters and filtration -- Evaluation.


South Dakota State University



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