"The Impact of Deep Manure Injection on Water Infiltration, Nutrient Di" by Mark Reiman


Mark Reiman

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Plant Science


Manure application often results in the accumulation of phosphorus at or near the soil surface where it can be transported to surface waters. Deep injection of manure can reduce surface P concentrations and runoff. Research was conducted at Brookings, Flandreau, and Volga South Dakota in 2004 and 2005 to assess the impact of depth of manure injection (surface/incorporated, 0.15 m, and 0.45 m) on water infiltration, nutrient distribution in the soil, and com yields. Water infiltration was measured with a sprinkle infiltrometer at Brookings and Flandreau, while ponded ( double-ring) infiltration was measured at all three sites. In Flandreau and Volga inorganic N and Brayl-P levels were measured at four depths, and at Flandreau inorganic N and Brayl-P levels were also measured at eight depths and four distances from the manure slot to give detailed information about nutrient distribution. Com grain yield was measured at Flandreau and Volga using a weigh wagon, percent moisture, and harvest area. Manure injection to 0.45 m either increased or did not influence ponded water infiltration rates. Secondary tillage appeared to reduce the influence of manure application on ponded water infiltration. Results from Flandreau indicated manure injection to 0.45 m lowered soil test P relative to 0.15 m manure injection at the soil surface. At Flandreau and Volga, 0.45 m manure injection increased soil nitrate-N amounts one year after manure application. Deep injection of manure (0.45 m) either increased or did not influence com grain yields. However, manure injection to 0.15 m did not increase yields relative to any treatments. These results suggest that 0.45 m manure injection is a manure application method that will lower soil test P at the soil surface, increase water infiltration rates, and increase com yields in some situations.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Manures -- Environmental aspects

Water -- Pollution

Phosphorus in agriculture




Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
