Document Type
Thesis - University Access Only
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Information on biodegradation kinetics is important for the design and operation of wastewater treatment systems. An extant respirometry test method was used to measure the kinetic parameters of activated sludge biomass degrading the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene and xylene. The activated sludge biomass used for respirometric testing was obtained from a sequencing batch reactor. The reactor was primarily fed primary clarifier effluent as an organic source and target aromatic hydrocarbon substrates were fed to the reactor during respirometric testing to acclimate the seed biomass. A series of tests were conducted using each substrate during the testing period. The kinetic parameters for benzene and xylene were determined but there was no measurable response of the biomass to toluene. Subsequently, toluene was mixed with ethanol to determine its biodegradability in presence of ethanol. The kinetic parameters for the mixture of toluene and ethanol were determined as chemical oxygen demand (COD) mixtures of 80, 60, 40, and 20% toluene. The kinetic parameters found from each respirometric testing were yield (Y), half saturation coefficient (Ks), maximum specific growth rate (μm) and maximum rate of substrate utilization ( qm)- Benzene was found to have mean values for yield (Y), half saturation coefficient (Ks) and maximum specific growth rate (μm) of 0.99 mg COD/mg COD, 2.53 mg SCOD/L and 0.75/hrrespectively. The 95% lower confidence interval (LCL) ofY, Ks and μm were 0.98 mg COD/mg COD, 1.75 mg SCOD/L and 0.59/hr respectively. The 95% upper confidence interval (UCL) of Y, Ks and μm were 0.99 mg COD/mg COD, 3.31 mg SCOD/L and 0.91/hrrespectively. Toluene ( 80%) + Ethanol (20%) was found to have mean values for yield (Y), half saturation coefficient (Ks) and maximum specific growth rate (μ 111) of 0.96 mg COD/mg COD, 0.88 mg SCOD/L and 1.00/hrrespectively. The 95% lower confidence interval (LCL) o fY, Ks and μm were 0.95mg COD/mg COD, 0.85 mg SCOD/L and 0.74/hr respectively. The 95% upper confidence interval (UCL) of Y, Ks and μm were 0.97 mg COD/mg COD, 0.91 mg SCOD/L and 1.26/hr respectively Xylene was found to have mean values for yield (Y), half saturabon coefficient (Ks) and maximum specific growth rate (μm) of0.97 mg COD/mg COD, 0.40 mg SCOD/L and 0.19/hr respectively. The 95% lower confidence interval (LCL) of Y, Ks and μm were 0.95 mg COD/mg COD, 0.28 mg SCOD/L and 0.17 /hr respectively. The 95% upper confidence interval (UCL) of Y, Ks and μm were 0.98 mg COD/mg COD, 0.52 mg SCOD/L and 0.21/hr respectively. The mean yield values for benzene, toluene (80%) + ethanol (20%) and xylene were nearly the same. Typical municipal wastewater has yield value lower than those of substrates tested in the laboratory. The Ks value of typical municipal wastewater was substantially higher than those of substrates tested in the laboratory. Benzene and toluene (80%) + ethanol (20%) exhibited higher μm values than those of typical municipal wastewater. Some of xylene μm values were in the range of typical municipal wastewater.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Sewage -- Purification -- Activated sludge process
Hydrocarbons -- Biodegradation
Microbial respiration -- Measurement
Chemical kinetics
Number of Pages
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Panta, Nawaraj, "Determination of Biodegradation Kinetics of Select Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Extant Respirometry" (2007). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1401.