"A Digital Model of the Big Sioux Aquifer for Analysis and Prediction o" by Ryan Clark Thompson

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Vernon R. Schaefer


South Dakota State University in cooperation with the South Dakota District of the U.S. Geological Survey, conducted a study for the city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota to determine the amount of water which would reach the Big Sioux aquifer via artificial recharge using the diversion ditch. A digital model of the unconfined, water-table aquifer was used to develop a solution. Data from approximately 270 drilling logs were used to establish aquifer parameters, and water levels from over 40 observation wells were used in calibration of the model. Recharge is achieved by diverting water using a pumping station from the Big Sioux river to a diversion ditch running parallel to the river. The river is hydraulically connected to the aquifer and it and the diversion ditch run through the city's municipal well field. Under dry and average conditions, simulations were run with and without recharge and the differences in storage were compared and plotted over time.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Artificial recharge of groundwater -- South Dakota -- Big Sioux Aquifer -- Computer simulation
Big Sioux Aquifer (S.D.)




South Dakota State University



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