Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The focus of this research involved evaluating copper corrosion and its impacts on drinking water quality and wastewater quality in the Brookings community. Research was conducted to accomplish four major objectives: 1) Confirm/refute the copper concentrations previously found by Banner Associates in non-industrial wastewater discharges in Brookings; 2) Determine whether the source of copper is due to corrosion in the municipal water distribution system, household plumbing system, or the wastewater collection system; 3) Investigate relationships between corrosion and water quality parameters; and 4) Determine whether changes in the drinking water treatment process could reduce corrosion potential. These objectives were accomplished by collecting first draw and flowing samples from the potable water supply system, and by concurrently collecting 24-hour composite wastewater samples from the adjacent sewer system. Each of the samples was analyzed for a number of water quality parameters. Statistical analyses were then performed on the analytical data and the results were used to evaluate the previously-identified objectives of this research.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Copper -- Corrosion -- Testing -- South Dakota

Water quality -- South Dakota



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
