"Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Selected High School Students in South Dak" by Barry Steever


Barry Steever

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Barbara Goddard


In recent years there has been a resurgence of smokeless tobacco use, especially among adolescents. It is primarily a habit of males in rural settings. The health consequences of smokeless tobacco include hypertension, tooth loss, and oral cancer. This study was conducted in a class A high school in eastern South Dakota. A questionnaire was completed by 307 students from grades nine through twelve. Gender representation was fairly even, as was the split between the classes. Twenty-five percent of the students had tried either chewing tobacco or moist snuff. Males out numbered females in trying, and current use of smokeless tobacco. Users participation in athletics, amounts of smokeless tobacco used per day, per week, and the number of containers of smokeless tobacco consumed per week also were ascertained. A significant negative relation between grades achieved and smokeless tobacco use was discovered. Students who did not use smokeless tobacco appeared to have a better understanding of the health risks involved when chewing smokeless tobacco. Reasons for initiating smokeless tobacco use among this group of students was supported in the literature. A friend who used smokeless tobacco, parents use, peer groups, or curiosity were the main reasons for trying smokeless tobacco. The majority of smokeless tobacco users indicated they will be using smokeless tobacco one year from now.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Smokeless tobacco
High school students -- Tobacco use -- South Dakota




South Dakota State University



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