Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil Engineering


Computer simulations were conducted using Resource Management Associates: 2 (RMA2) for flow through a 1,000-foot wide levee gap between Water Conservation Areas 3A and 3B (WCA-3A and WCA-3B) in South Florida. The computer simulations were compared with the computed results from Englund (1998) obtained using Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESWMS). The comparison showed that the computed results from the two numerical models were similar for the same inflow and outflow boundary conditions. The effects of a proposed boat bypass canal, a 1,000-foot long tieback levee, and a gated spillway (the S-349 structure) on the flow discharges through the levee gaps were investigated using RMA2 for a wide range of inflow and outflow boundary conditions. The proposed boat bypass canal, tieback levee, and S-349 structure were located downstream of the levee gap entrance in WCA-3A. The results showed that construction of the boat bypass canal, tieback levee, and S-349 structure would significantly increase the discharge through the levee gaps for some flow conditions. The increase in flow discharge from WCA-3A to WCA-3B was mainly due to the constricting effect of the boat bypass canal. It is suggested that the same effect can be produced by reducing the conveyance in the L 67 canal. The effect of WCA-3A on the flow discharge through the levee gaps was investigated by modeling a portion of WCA-3A around the boat bypass canal, tieback levee, and S-349 structure. The results showed that some water would move around the tieback levee through WCA-3A, thereby reducing the flow discharge into the levee gap. The amount of flow moving through WCA-3A would depend on the flow resistance in WCA-3A.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Hydraulics -- Florida -- Everglades National Park
Spillways -- Florida -- Everglades National Park



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
