Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Animal Science


Three trials were conducted to assess the effects of high oil com (HOC) with various management factors on feedlot performance (Trials 1,2, 3), carcass characteristics (Trial 1, 2, 3), meat quality (Trial 1), and case-life properties (Trial 1, 3). High oil com or normal com was included at 79.5% of the ration in all trials. In Trial 1, steers were implanted with Synovex-S (d 0) and revalor-S (d 84) implant. Steers were harvested on d 157. No differences were reported for cumulative average daily gain (ADG) or dry matter intake (DMI). Cattle fed normal corn were more efficient at conversion of feed to gain (P < 0.05) when compared to those fed high oil corn. In Trial 2, steers were fed high oil corn with or without a revalor-S implant. Steers were harvested on d 112. Steers fed high oil corn and implanted had higher (P < 0.05) ADG and feed efficiency, and a trend (P = 0.07) towards higher DMI when compared to nonimplanted steers fed high oil corn or normal corn. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in feedlot performance between nonimplanted steers fed HOC or normal corn. In Trial 3 steers were fed normal corn or HOC with and without supplemental vitamin E added to the diet. Steers were harvested on d 112. No differences (P > 0.05) were reported for feedlot performance. In Trial 1 carcasses from steers fed HOC possessed greater (P < 0.05) kidney, pelvic, and heart fat. In Trial 2 steers fed HOC had higher (P < 0.05) dressing percentages when compared to those fed normal corn. Steers fed high oil corn and implanted had significantly greater amounts of rib fat when compared to the other treatments. Trial 3 reported no differences (P > 0.05) in carcass characteristics between dietary treatments. Minolta color readings taken at harvest in Trials 2 and 3 showed that a* color values are significantly greater at harvest for steers fed high oil corn or supplemented with vitamin E. Meat quality in Trial 1 did not differ (P > 0.05) for Wamer-Bratzler shear force or sensory panel determinations of tenderness, juiciness, beef flavor, or flavor intensity. Trials 1 and 3 did show that case-life is extended in steaks from steers fed high oil corn or high oil corn supplemented with vitamin E. This was most likely due to the significantly higher levels of alpha tocopherol present in the longissimus muscle of steers fed these diets. Slower discoloration of these steaks led to a significant reduction in thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) at the end of the retail display panels. Case-life of ground beef was assessed in Trial 3. Case-life was extended in patties from steers fed high oil corn with supplemental vitamin E. These patties also had the lowest levels of TBARS after the retail display panel. High oil corn had no effect in feedlot diets, for feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, or meat quality. High oil corn is beneficial in the extension of case-life properties of both steaks and ground beef patties.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Beef cattle -- Feeding and feeds
Corn as feed
Beef -- Quality
Beef cattle -- Carcasses



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
