"Model of Water Quality in a Large Rural Water System" by Majlinda Cami

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Delvin E. DeBoer


The Mni Wiconi Project will ultimately supply drinking water to five counties in south western South Dakota. The main concern for this long distribution system is the considerable time that disinfected water needs to travel along the distribution system from the Mni Wiconi Water Treatment Plant in Ft. Pierre to the tail-end customers near and beyond Kadoka. Studies have shown that chlorine, although very helpful as a disinfectant to kill microorganisms in water, reacts with natural organic matter (NOM) in the water and forms disinfectant by-products. To decrease disinfectant by-product production, water systems are switching disinfectants from chlorine to chloramine. Using water quality modeling software, this project aims to predict the disinfectant and THM (trihalomethane) concentrations with the time and location in the core pipeline of the Mni Wiconi distribution system. Time and location are determined using the features of EP ANET2 software. Data and tools for this study included (1) experimental data that provided total chlorine and chloramine decay and THM growth for the disinfectant doses of 2 and 4 mg/L at two different temperatures (4 and 20 degree Celsius) inferring the winter and summer times, and (2) the EP ANET2 software package published by EPA and available on its internet website.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project (U.S.)
Water -- Purification -- Disinfection -- By-products.
Water -- Purification -- Chloramination.
Water -- Purification -- Chlorination.
Water quality management -- Computer simulation.


South Dakota State University



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